
Alrighty my muffins and warriors! I have made a goal to myself that I intend to keep! To at least work on my pieces a bit more for myself and you guys! So keep your eyes out for War chapters (I just gotta edit them!) 


I’m alive I swear just have been really busy with school and life in general! Trying to gain my motivation again to finish WAR and do some editing! Thank you to the warriors who have read the chapters in it’s early stages thus far. 


WAR is currently in its ending stages and thus I have come to thank many of you! I will be taking a break once finished as I begin pre writing for the sequel and as I get implemented into school once again. Thank you all who have given it a chance especially if you have come from His Young Mate as WAR is outside of that genre. If you know anyone that may enjoy reading WAR it means a lot to me if you could share my work!


Not even half way through editing His Young Mate and I have currently almost increased the reading time by a hour along with nearly every chapter being increased to 3000+ words instead of the typical 2000-2500!


Lo siento, hablo un poquito espanol


@roserunner97 no comprendo pero ❤


Hey guys! I just wanted to pop in and say that it would mean a lot if y’all checked out my new book ‘WAR’ War is in the perspective of a nonbiological family post war in hopes of finding their lost brother they come across many new hidden secrets. Though it is in the beginning stages I am excited to meet new readers along the way and hopefully meet some of the old again! Thank you!