
Hi guys! I won’t be able to update anything until Thanksgiving or maybe even Christmas. I apologize but my school work comes before anything :)


I miss your poetry


@roxanne-cecile ofc :) we loved having you around before


@ShyNightshade  <3 this is the first time I've checked Wattpad in a long time and this was really sweet


I am warning everyone right now that once college starts, I’ll be focused on that. When I get breaks I’ll be on here, but for the most part I’ll be MIA. Thank you for understanding. 
          This means that my poetry reviews will slow down a lot more to one review per month. I’m sorry I can’t go any faster with college. I am taking 16 credits my first semester and I need to get used to a big work load.


Hey guys! Wanna get your poetry reviewed? Check out my poetry review book! My queue is a little low right now and I’d definitely like to change that! Don’t be shy! If you’re having doubts, look at my reviews. I promise it’ll be worth your time! 


Thank you for this opportunity for feedback! Applied. :-) And really, I’d be happy for you to look at any of my collections, not just the one I listed (which was my first poetry book). Have a wonderful day! -Stacie 