
For those that don’t know, I’m currently working on the final chapters of Intertwined Destinies. The book should be completed by Monday or Tuesday of this week. As for what comes next… there may be something coming… you’ll have to read the final chapter of ID to know 


For those that don’t know, I’m currently working on the final chapters of Intertwined Destinies. The book should be completed by Monday or Tuesday of this week. As for what comes next… there may be something coming… you’ll have to read the final chapter of ID to know 


Are you done writing gods read type stories cause of not there was a story I was hoping you would do


Oh dam. I read a story I was hoping you would do. But never mind.


Yeah. I’m pretty done. I probably shoulda quit with AD. But Intertwined Destinies will be the last Gods and Demigods Read story. I don’t have any plans to do the third book or anything more after in terms of Read stories.


Hello I was wondering if you have read bitten by Wisemoon? If so I was wondering if you could do her story again but instead of percy going back to annabeth he went with her oc? I really loved the story and would have asked her but she isn't making anymore.


@ianelliotr sorry meant wisewolf