
Assalamu alaikum! 
          	Quick reminder; chapter three is already out, this story is being updated slowly inshā’allāh.


Assalamu alaikum everyone!
          For those who have not seen already, by the will of Allah the second book has been started. 
          I will warn that due to external commitments I will be slower to publish, but if so alhamdulillah.
          Have a blessed and fruitful Ramadan!


Assalamu alaikum everyone!
          Alhamdulillah, by the grace and mercy of the Most Merciful I have finished the book. It has been a journey and a half, but it’s time for the next chapter of my life now. Alhamdulillah. 


@sadi-rahman walekum assalam, congratulations!!


Assalamu alaikum everyone!
          I know that I haven’t updated in a while but I’ve been busy so I apologise for that. However, I have an exciting announcement!
          Inshā’allāh I will start publishing the first chapters of the next book soon! I am publishing a teaser right now so go ahead and read!
          Jazakallahu khairan everyone!


Assalamu alaikum,
          Alhamdulillah I have posted chapter 40. It has taken some time to tweak this story overall and I have learned a lot too. Please do read my story, ‘Love After Loss’, and do let me know how it is.