
THE NEWEST CHAPTER OF THE MAFIA LEADERS BROTHER HAS JUST BEEN POSTED! Chapter 24-Self-Reproach is now available! I’m back and better than every readers! Are you still with me? XOXO


I started reading the mafia leaders brother and I wanna know what happened to Ariel I thought they would end up togather


I don’t want to spoil anything for you so I can’t say ! But I’m hoping Ariel’s storyline in this book will satisfy you by the end of it  and if it doesn’t, that’s ok. There will be another book just for her


Hello readers.
          I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to come back and try to update this book. I just wanted to come on here and deeply apologize. I have no excuse. The only thing I can say is that the next chapter for 
          The Mafia Leaders Brother
          Is almost done ! You can expect it this upcoming week. Thank you to everyone for the support and the messages. I hope you all will enjoy it. Thank you so much !


I love how you ended the book on the last chap for now with Malia’s father. I swear I friggin screamed. But please continue! (I feel u Right now, I am going through a big writers block with all my stories ;-; I just aren’t motivated rn.)


Thank you ! And yes, I had BIG writers block. I’m back and I’m hoping to have more motivation ! We can do it !