
this message may be offensive watch they're gonna do Fuck all


if i practised authoritarianism i would force everyone to read wrists and their stigmata


je n'ai pas besoin de regarder pour trouver l'aube, elle est en toi.


@saphiyala thank you safi. love you so much
            i believe your words will be one day be scrawled into the notebooks of literary students, of politicians, medics, artists... words that deserve to embed themselves into the collective consciousness, ''frost on our tongues, black moons unroll: colonized dialects of a language forgotten. these hands reach to the heavens palms crossing over, wanting to grope the face of god.''
            ''girl in the window // everything rotates // each soul eclipses // the hallucinatory syzygy // this type of suffering is // hereditary. //''
            ''blood runs pure in this water. this blood blossoms in fumes, mimicing that certain cathexis that roses have, a certain aphrodisiac tingling those words carried,''


now i think about it, to read all your works.


seilide of the few reputable ones


@rottingplums the same people who are lobbying against hamas (i can touch upon the moral implications of their actions, but lets face it; palestinians aren't exactly spoiled for choice in who gets to defend them...) for the violence they've inflicted upon civil populations, are the same people who defend the US gov, IDF (and all of the innumerable overarching governmental forces who fund & 
            advocate for this enduring nakba), are the same people - who talk about ''promoting peace'', ''abdicating violence'', ''the peaceful protest'' etc - type out their diatribes on keyboards, phones, sitting on chairs, in rooms, wearing clothes constructed by & from materials that were gathered by people who are subjugated to late-stage capitalist slavery - people from the DRC, china, bangladesh, etc - these people who tout the ''peaceful protest as the sole means of instigating change'', don't realize that the world is built from violence. that all nations that are created, that all civilizations that have been created, are created from war, violence and oppression in its myriad forms.
            it's a sad reality but it's reality nonetheless