
just wanted to leave an update for you guys: I'm not currently working on HWM and if Im being honest I wrote it because I was at a terrible place in my life and truly needed an escape. Im doing much better now but don't really have time or motivation to put more into it. In the same vein, I recognize that stories like this can really help be distracting for others so I am going to leave up what I already have! This isnt necessarily goodbye forever and I'm not saying I will never publish anything again, but for now it's all I have. I do want to remind yall though that Taylor and Travis are real people and to remain respectful to them; I tried to do that as best I could in my work :) Thank you all for supporting me, it truly means more than you think 


just wanted to leave an update for you guys: I'm not currently working on HWM and if Im being honest I wrote it because I was at a terrible place in my life and truly needed an escape. Im doing much better now but don't really have time or motivation to put more into it. In the same vein, I recognize that stories like this can really help be distracting for others so I am going to leave up what I already have! This isnt necessarily goodbye forever and I'm not saying I will never publish anything again, but for now it's all I have. I do want to remind yall though that Taylor and Travis are real people and to remain respectful to them; I tried to do that as best I could in my work :) Thank you all for supporting me, it truly means more than you think