
this message may be offensive
ok i havent been on here alot a little while ago i lost my dad not een 2 weeks later i lost my nanny and the samey day my best friend moved and my babybrothers ass of a mom took him and 3days ago i got a phonecall saying my ant was in the hospitle and they gave he a week so i have had a fucked up month


Hiya, thanks for following me!
          You may fancy my books but probably my boys are more of your taste! If you fancy a chat always hit me up! I always enjoy making new friends all over this planet and website!
          May the almighty lord bless you!!


Howdy ma’am! Thanks for following up! Hope you step by my books soon’nuff and let me know if you liked them or not via lots of comments!
          I will def check out you books. They seem interesting. 
          If you don’t mind give a look to m GF @GirlOfTexas or our joined account @CoupleOfTexas 
          Be blessed and protected!!


@sierradaniels2006 mine ain’t as well!  hope you like’em!
            I really recommend “Spin the bottle” “Smoking hearts” and my “A cowboys diary”
            Skim through and choose the most equivalent for you!


@BoyOfTexas i will and my books are not finished but go for it thank you


this message may be offensive
ok i havent been on here alot a little while ago i lost my dad not een 2 weeks later i lost my nanny and the samey day my best friend moved and my babybrothers ass of a mom took him and 3days ago i got a phonecall saying my ant was in the hospitle and they gave he a week so i have had a fucked up month


um well it is hard for me to right this but my dad just died in a bike reack and we need money to be donated and all I ask is you get the word out plz


@sierradaniels2006 I'm really sorry for ur loss praying for u and ur family ❤ I'm here if u need to talk




we havent talked in forever