
Submit has 2 new chapters up!! Expect all stories to get an update this week :)


Hi everyone! Happy new year, I know I've been MIA and I so sorry about that, rest assured I am back now and this year my goal is to FINISH Forced Family AND Keeping up with One Direction! I'll be updating Submit, releasing Tainted, ANDDDDDD it's my goal to being the re-write of Good Enough, it truly never got the love it deserved, and it's always been one of my favorites. All the love, Emma :)


Hey Emma, Happy Xmas and newyears! I hope that you had a nice one.  When is the next chapter of forced family going to come out? You are killing me. It has been to long. I was hoping maybe 
          You would give us a chapter for xmas.  I know that you said you have about  five chapters left. Can you please release one soon.  I am sure many people beside me are anxiously awaiting. It is so good and you are leaving us to wait after you kinda made it a cliff hanger. Also I have one question how old are Harry and zayn now? Have a magical day and I hope to hear from you soon. Cheerio Joy


Hi Emma, I am so glad that you are back. Do you know when you are going to give us a chapter of forced family? You said that you had a couple that were written. Also can you please answer my question from the above message? Thanks so much. Have a magical day and I hope to here from you soon! Joy hope and love Joy 