
Going to compile all of my old stories into google docs and share it with yall instead of just unpublishing completely I think. Haven’t really decided a lot on that yet. But fear not, I’ll definitely let yall have my old stories for those of you that enjoyed them!


*Fifteen Floors, I finally remembered the number
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I forgot. If possible I’d also like the fic I believe was called 16 Floors(?)
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If you decide to send them individually, I’d like A Dragon Called Cancer, the “what if” fic, and the gardener fic please.
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Going to compile all of my old stories into google docs and share it with yall instead of just unpublishing completely I think. Haven’t really decided a lot on that yet. But fear not, I’ll definitely let yall have my old stories for those of you that enjoyed them!


*Fifteen Floors, I finally remembered the number
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I forgot. If possible I’d also like the fic I believe was called 16 Floors(?)
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If you decide to send them individually, I’d like A Dragon Called Cancer, the “what if” fic, and the gardener fic please.
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Hey so I republished some of my stuff because I felt badly lol and I realize some of you actually enjoy my writing. If I didn’t publish something that you enjoy and want to read again, let me know. :)


Could you please bring back Just A Girl?
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@sofialouised That kidnapper Flower Garden one (can't remember the name sorry) used to give me chills, bring that one back, please.
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Please bring back A Dragon Called Cancer. That’s my favorite Bob’s Burgers fanfic .
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Okay uhhhh I unpublished all of my works because I’m honestly not proud of any of them. If yall were in the middle of reading one or want one of them back just dm and I can send it on Google docs or something. Just really not proud of my work anymore and want to start over. 


@sofialouised *casually does a little fangirl moment*
            (i just got off my flight this is easily the thing that's cheered me up the most this entire week fidjdjwj :( <3)
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Reworking ATA again because I’m bad at decision making.


@sofialouised I understand! I am rewriting most of the things I've made LOL, take your time to come up with something that you feel is the best version! :)
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Made some adjustments to Ashes to Ashes cuz my stupid a** thought Malibu was in Florida for some reason. 


I might do a recast of Anna but I’m not sure yet. We’ll see, I guess. 


@sofialouised Does that mean change the actor that she's portrayed by in the fic?
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