
side note: if you have already translated any of my stories after you have seen my announcement and i did not have any knowledge or see your mention of me, please send/share the link or my translated story in my direct messages so i can add your story to my reading list when i check in on this app. thank you! 


Hello, I love your novels. I have read one of them in translation because I am bad at English, but I will try to improve in it so that I can read your novels. Thank you for your beautiful writing. I loved it sincerely. You are talented. 


side note: if you have already translated any of my stories after you have seen my announcement and i did not have any knowledge or see your mention of me, please send/share the link or my translated story in my direct messages so i can add your story to my reading list when i check in on this app. thank you! 


hi! i'm not sure if this will reach anyone but as you all can see, i am not using this account nor do i have the app installed on my phone. you could probably tell because i don't interact to any of my readers or followers. i've been gone years ago and i just check in whenever i feel like it to entertain some messages.
          now unto the messages. i've been getting questions if they could translate my stories, and YES, you can. i am giving you permission however you must give credits to me in your translated version and mention me wherever you'd like. since i rarely use this app, that would mean that i have 0 remembrance of what languages my stories got translated in. so, please, if you wish to translate any of my stories, check my reading list: TRANSL. and check if my story has already been translated in the language you also want it to translate to. 
          to end this note, i would like to say that i had fun when i was still using this app. i cherished every story i read and cherished friends i made in this app. i thought of writing & possibly publishing more narratives but i don't think it would happen anytime soon. this is good bye! i am thinking of making a new account and writing narratives someday. however i lost my passion in writing, and am now very interested in photo editing and video editing. 
          thank you so much for the love for the past 4 years. i love you all, paalam! <3


the new update sucks ://


@ghettoseok wp changed the old placement?? the profile is now in the homepage and the library is in the middle WKDJOS 


@sopelights everyone's talking about a new update but I have no idea what it is lmao