
Sup man


@Issei_Lucifer yooo whats up bro how have you been?
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@spardragon I am alright. Got discord? Me and some other writers created a server
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@Issei_Lucifer underwordlslonewolf that's my discord user name
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Hello, I like your fics, I have noticed that you hate Gremory or the Gremory nobility in general since I noticed it in most of your fics out of curiosity.


@Shirogihe the path of the red dragon emperor has a redemption arc and I'm planning on a few redemption arcs on my fic though they will not be lovers but rather acquaintances 
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Yes, although sometimes you should focus not on them, on betrayals or abandonments, so sometimes you must show redemption in recovering the friendship or starting over from scratch or that the betrayal is not from the Gremory but from the faction and more than some nobility. How the Gremory is against the betrayal of Issei
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@Shirogihe yup that's why I'm making it a bit more exciting that's why a made an evil dragon version with op powers
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What happened the dragonic  road ??


@MariosNiakos I changed it to path of the red dragon emperor 
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Are you going to continue True Dragon of Hope??


@spardragon  okk take your time bro. I just wanted to know if you had abandoned the story or not
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@Liquasor I will I'm just currently making it a bit more unique 
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Hey spardragon can you make so I can read dxd return of a hero I went to read chapter 3 but it won't let me now


@spardragon so bro will you remake it or it's permanently deleted? Besides if you have copy of it in pdf format can you send it to me?
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Ok I thought it was completed so I was thinking I didn't have to wait for new chapters and I could read the whole story by any chance can I read the rest of it
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