
which character should I write for next- bucky, bruce, sam, someone else?? too many ideas idk which character to use for which idea ouuff 


@ssteverogers    .........Pietro for any xreader fluff
जवाब दें


which character should I write for next- bucky, bruce, sam, someone else?? too many ideas idk which character to use for which idea ouuff 


@ssteverogers    .........Pietro for any xreader fluff
जवाब दें


thank you so much for the follow, i appreciate it <3


@dhanaerys of course! also your account is so pretty <3 
जवाब दें


this doesn’t even feel real or right. rest easy, chadwick boseman. to produce the powerful art he did while diagnosed because he knew it’s weight and what it meant... the magnitude of his selflessness and strength we witnessed is immeasurable. thank you doesn’t feel like it’s enough. i hope he rests easy and his loved ones find peace. my heart is broken.  


omg you’ve been on for five years-


Wattpad is being stupid so the replies to this post are all petitions you can sign to demand justice:  


It’s the least I can do. What’s happening (and has been happening) is straight up abuse. We’re stronger when we work in solidarity. @that_70s_queenie 
जवाब दें


@ssteverogers it's horrible. Thank you for you support, I really appreciate it. 
जवाब दें


So shitty. The links wouldn’t even go through and it made my profile glitch when I tired to refresh. @that_70s_queenie 
जवाब दें


We live in a country where ARMED white people rioting against the COVID-19 lockdown and having to wear masks by yelling and screaming in officers’ faces are unharmed, but the unarmed black people protesting the MURDER of George Floyd are. The hell?? It was a hate crime, an abuse of power, and an exertion of white privilege. Black lives matter. Those cops should be charged for murder. 


They 100% should it’s disgusting how those cops behave. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.
जवाब दें


ew who are u 


Thanks for the follow!