
Okay bitches. I am re-reading Teach Me and What I’ve Learned, because i even forgot wtf i wrote. So, give me about a day or so and the next chappie will be out xx 


@ stilinskliffordolan  yes biitch ive been waiting for this one :) so excited 


@stilinskliffordolan i love your books so much!


Heyy i really want to read ur books it looks intresting i read two chapter of teach me and i like it but i used to read third person p.o.v. or charector p.o.v but you write diffrent  and i am not able to imagine it properly ughhh i don't know it makes any sence or not but is there any chances you write your other books on third person p.o.v or charector p.o.v????


Hey I have a question on your insta account where you use to write do you plan on ever continuing your last story, I’m only asking cuz I was supposed to be one of the characters and until now I found your account on here. Btw I love all your works, you do such an amazing job at writing 


Okay bitches. I am re-reading Teach Me and What I’ve Learned, because i even forgot wtf i wrote. So, give me about a day or so and the next chappie will be out xx 


@ stilinskliffordolan  yes biitch ive been waiting for this one :) so excited 


@stilinskliffordolan i love your books so much!