
I was working on 1st chapters for both Meet me in the Tunnel and I’ll always choose you (pride month projects) when Mother Nature decided she wanted to rage. My driveway flooded out and I couldn’t go anywhere. Now I’m not complaining. I was doing fine until the power went out. Anyways, I’ll publish epilogues today and try to get something out Friday. It’s supposed to start storming Saturday and Sunday. Usually, we’d be drenched in sweat in 98 degree weather hoping for the rain. These last few days had me thinking: how does any outdoor worker get anything done in places where it’s always raining?


I was working on 1st chapters for both Meet me in the Tunnel and I’ll always choose you (pride month projects) when Mother Nature decided she wanted to rage. My driveway flooded out and I couldn’t go anywhere. Now I’m not complaining. I was doing fine until the power went out. Anyways, I’ll publish epilogues today and try to get something out Friday. It’s supposed to start storming Saturday and Sunday. Usually, we’d be drenched in sweat in 98 degree weather hoping for the rain. These last few days had me thinking: how does any outdoor worker get anything done in places where it’s always raining?


Outsider is getting a makeover soon!
          Some of the changes will include: 
          •A new title
          •A new cover 
          •A new Summary
          •A different POV
          • A much Younger main character (12 yo)
          •Hopefully a sharper vision of their world
          • etc. 
          The world building for the story was harsh from the start. It wasn’t a planned story so most of the writing came from jumbled up thoughts. 
          I want to put the focus more on Jonathan and Noah—to show the weight that young men in their world have to carry. The story has a long way to go and I have a lot to learn about developing a new world. I cheated it out of its potential to enter it in a contest, but it would’ve never existed had I not joined.
          Congratulations to all the books that were long listed in the ONC! I can’t wait to dive into these books! And with a pinched nerve in my back, I got time to do a little reading and writing. 


When life gives you lemonade… I’ll leave it at that. 
          It seems like the minute you cancel an appointment, everything goes sideways. 
          My dog had a vet appointment today, for her seizures, that I had to cancel for someone who ended up canceling on me. Ugh. And this month was already booked for me… 
           The first dog I let sleep in the bed with me, of all the dogs I’ve ever had, wakes me up at 3 or 4am to seizures and I feel so helpless. 
          I took down Catching Trouble and I’ll focus on just short stories until things calm down. Writing is therapeutic.
          -Rant over-


@stuck_in_the__clouds praying your pup is ok & you can get her in soon! *hugs*


To stay or to go?
          I‘ve been getting some writing in which is surprising, but I’m feeling a little unmotivated. I haven’t decided whether I want to try Inkitt again or not… maybe I’ll try something else, but being limited on time makes adjustments harder.


Day 2 of my writing Journal is done. I just have to go back over a few things, but I appreciate any feedback that’s thrown at me. 
           Day 1 isn’t done. It’s kinda awkward since I watched a short clip and tried to transition it into words. Supernatural just isn’t my genre.


Translating a dream I had last night:
           Cops collaborate with game developers to bring cold cases to life in hopes that obsessive gamers might be able to help solve them. But what if it becomes more of a risk than it is in reward?
          13-year old Wayne Orland is one of the many teens posing as an adult so he can explore the world that everyone raves about, but what happens when he gets caught in the crossfires of a serial killer, school and the developers trying to shut his account down? And the cops, well, they don’t believe he is who they say he is.
          I got Ready, Player One vibes but if anyone knows any other books or movies that come close, let me know. 


@SashaCrowne I found Peripheral which only has one season on Amazon Prime I think but I’ll add the book too.


@SashaCrowne Thank you so much for the recommendation. I have Ready, Player One saved and now I added that and Archivist Wasp! :D


@stuck_in_the__clouds that’s hard. Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace has some virtual reality aspects and young adults fighting a corporation that basically owns half of the US and is fighting another (who owns the other half) over an unclaimed area, so maybe some aspects could inspire ideas. (It hurts extra if you first read Archivist Wasp which is set hundreds of years afterwards, where the MC meets the ghosts of supersoldiers from Firebreak. But *that* is a whole different setting. xD)


Now I know—
          Excuse me, let’s try that again.
          Somehow, the three stories I entered for round two made it out alive. Somehow, after throwing words on a page the day of the deadline, they managed to stick. It’s almost as if the judges walked right by the mess *hums* 
          Anyway, congratulations to everyone who made it through and good luck in round three! *fumbles with the cake*
          A storm came through and I’m getting calls left and right so I’ll be cleaning up irl and in these books. 


@SashaCrowne lol thanks! I stared at it for a minute before realizing it was my name. I’m having one of those days where: I thought it was Saturday, I forgot I joined the ONC and I locked myself out of the house. *stands in a daze* is there a full moon somewhere?


@stuck_in_the__clouds ooooh I completely missed you on the list, congratulations! 