
hi! I know no one probably reads these but I'm just here to inform anyone that I do a lot more writing on my blog than here on Wattpad! 
          	Here's the link if anyone is interested:
          	I hope to be writing on here soon!


hi! december is currently coming to an end so here i am to post my 2018 goals for wattpad:
          ✎ publish 2 new stories 
               these two stories are currently in the works and are currently being worked on. the title for these two stories with be BRONZE and GENESIS
          ✎ make HOE TIPS even more popular
               the surge of popularity for my book HOE TIPS has been incredible! i will continue to add on to it and hopefully, make the popularity of it soar. my ultimate goal for it is to get it into the listings
          ✎ enter the 2018 wattys
               i'm currently thinking about entering either LINES, HOE TIPS or BRONZE (when it comes out) as my 2018 wattys entry. i might just enter them all though.


hello lovelies! ❤︎
          I will now be active since I am on winter break and have a new laptop to do a lot more things than I originally could! I will uploading a new story in within the next week or so as I am currently editing and revising it so it won't have any errors or plot holes. 
          Happy Holidays and Happy New Years! ❤︎


hello lovelies ♥
          I realized I haven't been active at all within the past month on Wattpad. Simply because school & everything has me stressed to the max but don't worry, I will upload a story in 2016 to start off the new year in a well productive year. I've been having workouts and everything for sporting events coming up in the winter & my laptop is about dead/ is dying as we speak. I will get a new one on Christmas & resume my regular Wattpad activities. 
          I have unpublished all my books, they're not deleted, simply unpublished because my high school offers an advance writing course and I have 1 term left and then my course ends in December where I resume writing and then take another advance course in writing next August - December. 
          I will participate in Nanowrimo, however, I will not upload the story to Wattpad as I am going to work on my stories from now until January. 
          When the Watty's come around, I will participate in that event as well. 
          Have a wonderful rest of 2015! I will be active around the site, reading and everything just not uploading & publishing! 
          Love you! ♥ 
          ~ h.m.