
Trapped is #161 in confession! Thank you guys for reading still after all these years :D <3


Hello everyone! I'm going to be publishing a refined version of my most popular book on here Trapped! It's always been a dream of mine to be an author and it's thanks to you all that I can do this. Please continue to support me and who knows, maybe I'll have a new series coming soon :) I'll let you all know where you can buy it. Stay tuned and thank you again.


Hey there, guys! For those of you who enjoyed reading The Virus, I've posted it on Inkitt as part of their publishing contest. I'd love some reviews over on their site to help my analytics. It's super hard transferring a fan base from one site to the other so I appreciate any help you guys can provide. Check out The Virus right here: 
          I've also posted my first work in progress on Inkitt and have been entered into their publishing contest for this book as well! Please support me and check out Forgotten Worlds: Book of Kai on here: 
          It is a fantasy, adventure book that I'm hoping to make into a 3 book series. Only the first 100 copies are available after which it will be removed from their site. I'd appreciate some feedback from my lovely followers. Thanks in advance! Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Hey guys!
          I posted my first work in progress on Inkitt and have been entered into their publishing contest! Please support me and check out Forgotten Worlds: Book of Kai on here: 
          It is a fantasy, adventure book that I'm hoping to make into a 3 book series. Only the first 100 copies are available after which it will be removed from their site. I'd appreciate some feedback from my lovely followers. Thanks in advance! Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Love ❤❤❤..................all i want to say is ...that ur stories r made with pure love ❤❤❤❤❤
          U really dont know how ur stories are !!!!! They r worth it ....u should publish all ur storied officially........especially trapped is awwwwwsssssooooommmmeeeei mean i also love  to raed and write novels and stories but i can never write better than u ...❤❤❤❤❤
          Again saying that i love ur stories and i m ur biggest fan 


@HAYAJAHANGIR Hi there! I'm actually trying to get published through Inkitt! I'd appreciate the support of a reader like you. It'd mean the world to me if you could write a review for either my story The Virus or my newest work in progress Forgotten Worlds: Book of Kai Thanks in advance hun!