
So with the COVID 19 situation, I had to leave my college where I was employed so I've also lost my job. I can't work right now due to having health issues that could put me at risk, so that's not an option. I've been working on expanding my Redbubble portfolio and would be so appreciative if you checked out my shop, or even shared the link. I will attach the link to my profile as well! Thank you so much!


Hey there! (,: So I wrote a new book of imagines/preferences for both Tom Holland and Spider-Man!  It would mean the absolute world to me if you could plz check it out and lmk what u think!! Only if you’re a fan of his haha don’t feel pressured to do so, and if you’re not I completely understand!  I would just love to hear some honest feedback (: So far I only have 4 chapters updated haha. I hope you have a good day/great rest of your night!! - Steph ( :


So with the COVID 19 situation, I had to leave my college where I was employed so I've also lost my job. I can't work right now due to having health issues that could put me at risk, so that's not an option. I've been working on expanding my Redbubble portfolio and would be so appreciative if you checked out my shop, or even shared the link. I will attach the link to my profile as well! Thank you so much!


So I'm not sure who remembers me or not, but I'm back it seems, especially with the quarantine going on and being back home. I hope all of you guys are safe and doing well. Also, I want to start making covers again and have better means to create some (I have an iPad and Apple Pencil and have been experimenting with it a lot) so if you need a cover, don't hesitate to hit me up! I also have started working on a Bruce Springsteen fanfic since there isn't that many on here but I'm not sure of the demand.


@itsonlynorah I'd love to start talking again! I missed you too! It's kinda crazy how much I missed Wattpad.


hi welcome back!!!


So it's the summer before college and yes, I am still kinda on this website after 15 million years it seems. I really want to finish or at least work on some of my fics but like, I know I'll give up on it anyway but I have all of these ideas in my head but I can't bring myself to write them. Heck, I don't even know if anyone is still interested in them anymore?


Also sorry for such a late reply, I had to go on a trip with no wifi


@theatricalyesterdays that's understandable, maybe once you make yourself do it, you'll get the creativity flowing 


@LonelyPretzel1 Not currently no. I am trying to motivate myself to write music though, but other than that, no. For months I just never had the time, and now, I have no motivation.


One of my good friends works at a movie theater and got the lobby poster for Bohemian Rhapsody (fellow classic rock fan) and today she brought it to me at school and gave it to me this morning. It's really big and I can't wait to put in my dorm this fall because I paid my deposit for my dream school and I'm officially a music performance major!