
I'm due for another apology! I'm so sorry What Secrets Do The Shadows Keep? is taking me forever to finish! I recently moved and have been packing and getting prepared for college (which starts on Monday) and have had no time to write! When things settle down I'll try to finish writing the epilogue! Again, I hope that's soon. And again....sorry everyone!
          	I hope everyone has a Phantastic evening! 
          	~ Mabelle 


@themabelian still notices you haven't updated >_>
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Hi, I just finished your book. Thank you so so much for writing it. It had me crying and I just love it so much. Please think about physically publishing it, I will buy Tf out of it. One request, I was wondering if you can write a phantom of the opera story but with Loki as the phantom? Huge fan of your work, I will be reading much more thank you again 


Hello, themabelian.  
          My name is Jordan, and you may know me from my comments on you Phantom of the Opera phanfiction series.  I just wanted to stop by and tell you that your phanfiction is, and probably always will be, my favourite.  It made me reconsider  my whole phanfiction, and really puts it to shame (psh what? Of course I'm not secretly working on a phanfic, what made you think that?)