
I'm going to be switching up some names of the chapters because I feel that Nox and Prejudice fits the new chapter I'm writing much better - so do not be confused or concerned that I have reposted a chapter. The new update which should be up within the next 2 days will be titled Nox and Prejudice and the old chapter with that name will be titled Haley Parker and the Hunky-Prince.


Diary of a Sanka Devi is superb! It is so well written and playful. It doesn't bore anyone, I'm sure of that. And Khushi's thoughts are hilariously similar to the thoughts that goes on in almost everyone's head when they have a crush whether they are kids or adults. I'm so looking forward to more. Great work!


Thank you so much!!! That’s so incredibly kind of you :) haha yeah I wish I could say I’m more mature than Khushi but that’s still me when I have a crush LOL 


Hey di why are you not updating your story it seems to so interesting...please try to update soon....


Thank you so much di...❤


@MorningFrost060 Thank you for your interest and kind comments, there will be an update later today :)


I'm going to be switching up some names of the chapters because I feel that Nox and Prejudice fits the new chapter I'm writing much better - so do not be confused or concerned that I have reposted a chapter. The new update which should be up within the next 2 days will be titled Nox and Prejudice and the old chapter with that name will be titled Haley Parker and the Hunky-Prince.


I am so incredibly sorry for bailing like that on you. I have no excuse besides that I have been busy and slowly reintroducing myself to writing. I can't guarantee that updates will be totally frequent now - especially seeing as though I am now in my senior year, but I can sincerely apologize for how negligent I've been to you guys. 
          That being said, I sincerely believe that Yes, Sir needs to be 100% revamped. I am still content with the plot line of Possession but Yes, Sir is so juvenile - frankly, I don't have the patience to continue writing it, let alone force you guys to read the garbage! 
          The plot line will change - however, the characters will stay the same. If you're interested - please let me know!