
Hello friends,
          	Can't believe it's been eight months since my last public announcement/update. A lot can happen in eight months, ya know? Hope everyone is well and you're settling softly into Spring.
          	4.1k word update for Songs of Ourselves, linked below.
          	Xosa reckons with stolen kisses and unlovely secrets in the Goldsmith's forge.
          	Sunkanmi confronts the warlord who stands the most to gain from her destruction.
          	Let's get into it. No turning back.
          	˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
          	see you later and stay safe out there,
          	Instagram: @therealkayelle
          	TOKS on YONDER:
          	Songs of Ourselves:


@rizzlefizzle thank you thank you thank you for the warm welcome, I’m honored you enjoyed this story enough to wait for it. ❤️ I hope the last few chapters reward your patience!!


Very warm welcome back. I patiently waited, hoping for you to continue. Thank you 


Hey Kay! No idea if you remember me, but I just refound the message you sent me over two years ago now. I told you about the story I was planning on writing and you told me you’d love to read it. I had to switch accounts because my last one booted me off. I’m sure lots have changed for you since then, lots have changed for me too. I’m still working on the book I told you about before, but it needs a lot of revising. I actually write a lot of poetry now, one a day if I’m lucky. Anyway, I wanted to write to you just to let you know how much your works have truly affected me. I always worry if artists I love know whether their work is truly loved or not. I never managed to finish The One Knight Stand before the story became paid, but I did get to read One Million Masks and The Songs of Ourselves. Those two stories built parts of me. I read them during very formative years of my life and my mind often wanders to them. Before I realized that stomach beads were not just something you made up and that if I made myself some, I’d be committing cultural appropriation, I wanted to copy the idea because it struck me so heavily. Your work is truly breathtaking. Comparable to the work of greats. Your characters flit through my mind even now, and it’s been over a year since I reread One Million Masks and several months since I read The Songs Of Ourselves. I think a pretty common way to determine how impactful someone’s art ends up being is to look at how long it stayed with the people who viewed it.  Your stories never left my mind. Anyhow, just wanted to let you know. I am still an aspiring author and your work is what I strive to be on the same level as. Thank you for doing what you do. 


Hey! Yeah, time passes fast huh. Congrats on all your accomplishments! Sadly, I can’t get my previous account back. I made it with my school email and my school system banned Wattpad from their system :( but it’s alright, I didn’t have a whole lot of books on there, besides all the ones I really liked I remember well enough to find again. And yes! I did make my pfp and banner, both for the art class Im currently taking. My pfp is a cubist interpretation of a giraffe and my banner is a huge collage I made, I’m very proud of it. It took me over 20 hours to complete. For my poetry, I tend to stick to free verse, assigning specific parameters around them tend to hinder my creative flow. Better to just let the thoughts do what they’d like, yk? Im a huge fan of prose poetry, been making more of that lately. I’ve been thinking of publishing a collection, maybe starting here on Wattpad? Seeing what kind of reception it gets. My book is still definitely a wip but it’s my baby and Im really proud of it. Been meaning to get back into it lately. Heheh, I’m very glad to let you know what I’ve already been feeling towards your work for years. Ok but seriously, I’ve told all my friends who are willing to listen about how impressive the time jumps in One Million Masks are. I’ve seen people attempt several timelines at once or time jumps time and time again and i mean it when I say I’ve never seen anyone do it better than you. Really, you are an incredibly talented writer and storyteller. 


Demi! Omg, of course I remember you! Has it really been two years? And yes, if you’re still comfortable I’d be honored to read your book (and the poetry, too)! Do you have a favorite verse form or theme you adhere to? Or is your poetry an in-the-moment, whatever feels best exercise? I’m usually in the latter camp haha.
            (I’m so sorry your previous account booted you, is there anyway to recover it? Your current profile picture and banner are super cool, did you create them yourself?) 
            In the time since we last spoke I adopted a dog, got married, got a promotion, bought a house. I’ve been blessed and I’m grateful for this chapter in my life, even if I’ve been too busy to write consistently. I hope you can say the same! 
            I’m having a hard time with the rest of your message, because I can’t imagine my stories resonating with anyone deeply enough for them to stick even a month after reading. To me, they’re not even stories that NEED to be told, they’re just stories I think would be fun and neat to share, so I’m always blown away when someone enjoys them! So honestly, truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I’m honored something I made could help build something good. It’s a big responsibility that I don’t take lightly.
            And your comment about waist beads tickled me!! Very sweet and thoughtful of you. I, personally, would not find your wearing or making of waist beads an issue, especially if you’re respectful of the practice/buy from authentic craftswomen. If it were up to me, I’d rather people be educated and knowledgeable about them than not. There is an argument to be made that it is inappropriate for me as a Black American to wear waist beads since I don’t have any direct cultural or ethnic ties to an African nation that wears waist beads today, but I digress.
            I appreciate your openness and kindness more than you know, and never hesitate to reach out. I may take a few days to respond, but I will always try to get back to you.
            Take care, and stay safe out there.


Hello friends,
          Can't believe it's been eight months since my last public announcement/update. A lot can happen in eight months, ya know? Hope everyone is well and you're settling softly into Spring.
          4.1k word update for Songs of Ourselves, linked below.
          Xosa reckons with stolen kisses and unlovely secrets in the Goldsmith's forge.
          Sunkanmi confronts the warlord who stands the most to gain from her destruction.
          Let's get into it. No turning back.
          ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
          see you later and stay safe out there,
          Instagram: @therealkayelle
          TOKS on YONDER:
          Songs of Ourselves:


@rizzlefizzle thank you thank you thank you for the warm welcome, I’m honored you enjoyed this story enough to wait for it. ❤️ I hope the last few chapters reward your patience!!


Very warm welcome back. I patiently waited, hoping for you to continue. Thank you 


Hey, hope you’re doing okay ❤️


Hey hey hey @RobinsongHbird! Sorry that it's taken me this long to respond to your message. My family and I are doing quite well (we're all back together again in the same state), and I hope the same for you!
            I appreciate you checking in on me. Have a great week!


Hello friends,
          In the latest Songs of Ourselves update (3kish words), Xosa and Sunkanmi finally, FINALLY, meet the Goldsmith (with a little lyrical help from Beyonce, ofc). I'll let this chapter speak for itself, as any further description would count as a spoiler, but I hope you all enjoy reading the payoff as much as I enjoyed writing it. In the next chapter our protagonists say some things they can't take back, and well, "it's all downhill from here."
          ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
          see you all in september,
          stay safe out there,
          Instagram: @therealkayelle
          TOKS on YONDER:
          Songs of Ourselves:


Hello all,
          Happy July!!!
          I thank you all for your patience as I worked on the latest chapter of SOS. It's shorter than normal (2kish), but it's the connective tissue between the "Big Soulmate Reveal" and finally meeting the elusive Goldsmith (yay!) in the next chapter.
          I struggled with this part for weeks, hence the later update, but I'm still fairly pleased with how it turned out. Some really solid character moments between Xosa and Sunkanmi, further building their link for the inevitable conclusion. Their relationship, whatever that looks like in the end, should feel earned and satisfying, even if it's not entirely romantic.
          This may not apply to all writing styles, but not all chapters have to be massive plot pivots or cliffhangers. Sometimes chapters just get the characters from one place to the next as simply as possible, and that's okay.
          We're slowly working our way to the end of SOS and I couldn't be happier with the positive response this weird little story has received. Currently at 41 parts, SOS is officially longer than One Million Masks, but its scope is significantly smaller and more intimate than OMM as a result (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just different).
          ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
          Since SOS is eligible for the Watty's this year, I was considering entering it as an ongoing story, but I'm pretty sure my once-a-month updates would disqualify it almost immediately. Is anyone else interested in submitting this year?
          see you in august, fellow virgos!
          stay safe out there,
          Instagram: @therealkayelle
          TOKS on YONDER:
          Songs of Ourselves:


Strap in y'all. This is the chapter we've all been waiting for.
          New 5k word update for Songs of Ourselves. All is revealed and there's no going back. Romance abounds. Enjoy!
          ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
          As always, I'm slowly getting around to answering comments, posts, and DMs. Thank you for your patience as I get back to you. I appreciate each and every single one of you.
          see you in july!
          stay safe out there,
          Instagram: @therealkayelle
          TOKS on YONDER:
          Songs of Ourselves:


@Robinsongbird Dread is such a perfect word. And no passive is not a word I'd use to describe Sunkanmi at all lol.


@therealkayelle "romance abounds" 
            The chapter left me with a sense of dread! Sunkanmi is not a passive individual 


hey babe, new Songs of Ourselves just dropped !!
          Happy May to everyone here! If you're new, welcome. If you're old, welcome back.
          GREAT NEWS:
          1.) One Million Masks has hit 144k reads and is now officially a Paid Story! The love this weird little romance has received is unimaginable, and none of this would've been possible without you. Yes, YOU. Thank you.
          2.) Songs of Ourselves has a fresh new update with 3.7k words! Xosa is a changed (wo)man and Sunkanmi learns who *really* wrote her favorite novel. The truth may shock you! (it won't).
          ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
          1.) A scammer/impersonator tried to lure in my followers with fake contests and false links! Please do not click them, as they could contain mal/spyware and viruses. The only links I post will be on this channel/profile. If you see any funny business, please do not hesitate to report them so we can keep Wattpad just a bit safer for everyone here.
          2.) I don't have a second negative bullet, I actually eloped with the love of my life last month in Hawai'i and everything else in my personal life is going fairly well, but please read the latest chapter of songs of ourselves, we're almost to the big reveal, the ultimate conclusion, the angst, the drama, the pining, the PASSION, it's going to be so GOOD, just give it a shot, I'mbeggingyou-
          see you all in june!
          stay safe out there,
          Instagram: @therealkayelle
          TOKS on YONDER:
          Songs of Ourselves:


@SleepyRaven26 Much appreciated Raven!!


@Robinsongbird Thank you so very much!


@therealkayelle Congratulations on OMM and your recent nuptials!!


          Hello all, I’m sorry this has happened but there is another account impersonating me and offering a raffle. THIS IS A SCAM AND IS NOT ME. Do not click on any links! It is not real!
          Their handle is @the_realkayelle! Please report them for pushing scam raffles! I have reported all of their comments to Wattpad and I hope you all do too! You can tell they are not me due to their lack of followers and incomplete profile. They have no stories on their account. 
          I say again, this is NOT ME and I apologize for any confusion. I would NEVER advertise a raffle through my comments section. Any contests or gifts would be shared through legitimate means. Please stay safe out there.


I just did 
            Former Wattpad star is in their bio and they have zero follower  


I willl report them now 


Hello, I recently won a comment raffle thingie, but Instagram is not letting me sign in and I can't download the app. Is there any other way to receive this, or will I have to give my gist to someone else? It's completely fine if that has to happen, I just wanted to know :D


It's okay, thank you so much for telling me!!! :D


That was not me, please don’t click on any links! That is a scam artist impersonating me and I don’t want them to steal your information! I’m sorry for any confusion!!!