
Hello dears!! I'm back! To clear some stuff up: I haven't been on here for literal two years, and oh my gosh has time flown. I am not really as into BTS as I used to, and as I am in senior highschool, I am quite busy nowadays. I literally just got here and WOW I have so many followers! 
          	I'm not sure if I can promise updates as I understand now that as a minor, my NSFW works were not for me to make, (and Tumblr has taken down all the p*rn stuff GVHBJNHUGYV) and I assume that a lot of my readers are minors as well. If you are a minor, for your safety, as well as your emotional and mental wellbeing, I highly suggest you STOP reading my nsfw works. I cannot control you anyways but believe me, you shouldn't learn sex from a wattpad book. As for my other works, I will try to update if i can.
          	Thank you so much for liking and supporting my works even though I've went on a two-year hiatus that might be longer. if you want to know what I'm up to nowadays, I'm @wirewifeguy on twitter; I'm into fictional podcasts, and I draw!! Not a lot of BTS content on there, I'm afraid. Anyways, here's to (hopefully) breaking a two year streak!!


Hello dears!! I'm back! To clear some stuff up: I haven't been on here for literal two years, and oh my gosh has time flown. I am not really as into BTS as I used to, and as I am in senior highschool, I am quite busy nowadays. I literally just got here and WOW I have so many followers! 
          I'm not sure if I can promise updates as I understand now that as a minor, my NSFW works were not for me to make, (and Tumblr has taken down all the p*rn stuff GVHBJNHUGYV) and I assume that a lot of my readers are minors as well. If you are a minor, for your safety, as well as your emotional and mental wellbeing, I highly suggest you STOP reading my nsfw works. I cannot control you anyways but believe me, you shouldn't learn sex from a wattpad book. As for my other works, I will try to update if i can.
          Thank you so much for liking and supporting my works even though I've went on a two-year hiatus that might be longer. if you want to know what I'm up to nowadays, I'm @wirewifeguy on twitter; I'm into fictional podcasts, and I draw!! Not a lot of BTS content on there, I'm afraid. Anyways, here's to (hopefully) breaking a two year streak!!


I can't find you on ao3


@PrincessMampel lol oops I changed it to @/kiwifics , the link is in my bio!


@PrincessMampel lemme recheck my username!!


Hope I'm not a bother, but will you be writing pleasure anytime soon??
          I'm literally hanging off my seat with that cliffhanger oof XD


@-sweetlikemochi I'll see what I can do!!


@-sweetlikemochi I9FUHYGEHBDJUHIYDG I haven't touched these babies in YEARS but I'll see what I can do


I wanted to ask, will u be continuing Pleasure? 


Oh!! It’s alright! I’m really sorry for asking it like that  , take ur time!!


@pooffluff yes I will! as you know, I have just gotten out of an extremely long hiatus!!! I'm currently working on 2 fics rn for an online project but once I am done I will start updating my books!! 


I don't even think you guys know WHAT I look like


@xanorvsesi I don't, I'm sorry. where are u from? twitter?


            Heh . Do you know Carmen Piercy ? 


this message may be offensive
@xanorvsesi WHAT the fuck


Hey guys, it's time for a Q&A!!!!!!! Ask me anything, I'll make a vid


@thiscouldbegayer dont think i'm joking I actualy screeched


Also Ily ur not dreaming babe