
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that I am going to start updating stories again.  I sincerily apologize for not updating for months and I'm truly sorry but with starting high school I've a bigger work load and such. 
          	P.S. I just wanted to let you for Witches and Secrets I have uploaded a new book cover. If you want to check it out check out my profile. :P


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that I am going to start updating stories again.  I sincerily apologize for not updating for months and I'm truly sorry but with starting high school I've a bigger work load and such. 
          P.S. I just wanted to let you for Witches and Secrets I have uploaded a new book cover. If you want to check it out check out my profile. :P


Hello, Everyone!
          I just want to clear some things up that are VERY important. The reason I haven't been updating recently is because I no longer have a laptop. I am actually currently using my brothers who got one for his birthday, but he doesn't let me use it often. This is actually a rare occasion. 
          Anyways, I normally use my school MacBook pro that I get from the middle of August to about May, since those are when my school is in session. I do have my phone, and I do try to write and etc on there, but it is so hard to text on a little screen a entire chapter, but I am trying. 
          Anyways I do plan on writing while my brother allows me to use his laptop. Hope you are all having an amazing Summer. :P
          Shelby R.


Hello Everyone! I just want to say I am so, so, so sorry that I have not updated in almost forever. I feel like I have let you down and for that Im sorry. Anyway, I dont really have a computer to type on so all my stories are not being basically texted out. Which sucks and is also very hard for me. Plus out internet sucks and it dosent help that my brothers keep shutting it off and sucking it up to get back at each other. It may be a little more till I update again. If you hang in with me though, I am sure I will update faster and on schedule. 
          Bye! Shelby R.