liv; @rivendells
dreamer; yearns for middle earth and ansel elgort

summer; @winterings
dumb girl; i like flowers and zayn malik

lex; @xnyctophiliax
luke hemmings enthusiast; so [not] punk rock

  • together
  • RegistriertJuly 15, 2014

Folge ich

Letzte Nachricht
timelessoblivion timelessoblivion Jul 27, 2014 10:41PM
hiiii friends so we've posted a lil story here and it would be really cool if u could check it out and tell us what u think!!!
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Geschichte von liv, summer and lex
après moi ~ a collab story von timelessoblivion
après moi ~ a collab story
this book, is a story made up by three girls; liv, summer and lex. each chapter is written by one of them, an...