




this message may be offensive
seeing as i'm sending you this randomly written paragraph as a result of my own dumb actions, you're probably going to think to yourself, "god, ren is being odd again." and you might be right, but you should probably get used to it.
          back on topic, i haven't known you for extremely long. only a few days at least. but it feels like i've known you for years on end. you're the closest thing i have to a best friend, and you're probably one of, if not THE most important person that i know right now. it makes me sad to know that you've gone through.. anything terrible, if i'm being honest. when you said that you have flashbacks and nightmares, my instinct was to hug you as tight as i could and just tell you everything is okay, and will be okay. i wanted to protect you, and your sweet potatoes, from all of the evil that exists in this world.
          you keep saying that you can be scary, but you're the sweetest and most genuine person i know. you deserve the world and nothing less. and if anyone is scared of you, fuck them. they clearly are not seeing what i see in you, and i see a lot of things when i look at you. i see a man who knows how to make others smile. a man who is clumsy but somehow in the cutest way possible. a man who i just want to make smile at least once everyday. and you know what?
          if i can put a smile on your face and make you feel like life is even the tiniest bit less cruel. that'll make everything worth it.
          if this doesn't make any sense though, i probably actually am high off of serotonin. never the less, thank you. for everything you do and have done for me.