
trying to make a good cover instead of reusing the old one 


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guys i am so sorry for dying again holy shit 
          About the Living Situation rewrite: I’m putting a lot more thought into it, which might be silly since it’s just a Splatoon fanfic. But I really do love my characters and I want to make a more coherent story. I didn’t want to make up the story as it went along again lol. Right now, I have the first 5 chapters done. So after a little polishing, I’ll post the first one either tomorrow or Monday. Thank you to everyone who has been waiting, and I’m sorry once again.


I keep forgetting to post updates here oops- 
          anyways, hi guys! it’s been a while! hope you’re excited for the upcoming Splatfest. Team Power ftw!!


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@albinocorgi holy shit you’re so right. i am so sorry. ive been slowly working on it, school and a lot of other factors in my life have been slowing my progress down. it makes me really happy that youve been waiting patiently 


@twenty-one-beans its officially been over a year since the last update im starting to lose hope but if you see this know i'm still waiting patiently and faithfully for that re-write 


@ twenty-one-beans  yo how far is the rewrite?


would it be possible for you to make a sequel to Living Situation?


apologies for not seeing this sooner (I barely use this app anymore)! a sequel might be possible since I have more free time now, but I would probably start writing it after Splatoon 3 comes out so I have more ideas/inspiration. 