
Dear team green, they could never make me like a single person on your side 
          	( there is like one exception, and it’s not who y’all want it to be ) 


if you’re not going to put in the work to properly cast family for a POC character, don’t even bother writing the character at all. 
          it’s just disrespectful to take a man who is of Indian and Iraqi descent and cast white people to be family members (siblings, parents, children, etc.) for his character. 
          and that goes for any actor/actress of color. 


this message may be offensive
@velaryqns a good way to show they don't actually give a fuck about the characters of color


@velaryqns this should count for Hollywood too. Because it happens wayy too casually


you’re not anti-semitic if you’re pro-Palestine. 
          you’re not pro-hamas if you’re anti-genocide. 
          If you’re uneducated on what is happening, don’t worry, there are plenty of sources to educate yourself. 
          If you’re willfully ignorant to the genocide, you are part of the issue and I have no respect for you. 
          I am resharing a carrd link in this post that will give you the history and ways you can help. Speak out, share about what is happening, donate if possible, but please don’t remain silent. Do not be afraid to speak out for basic human rights.