
'the prophecy' rewrite is in the works !!! really enjoying this new storyline, it's a bit more clear, and I have an end goal.  my first go at it had lots of plot holes and I had no clue where I was going with it.  hoping to start posting chapters before april is over !!


'the prophecy' rewrite is in the works !!! really enjoying this new storyline, it's a bit more clear, and I have an end goal.  my first go at it had lots of plot holes and I had no clue where I was going with it.  hoping to start posting chapters before april is over !!


Friends! I have some plans with ‘the prophecy’… possibly. Finding time to write is so difficult but I really love it so I am trying to!!
          There’s a few inconsistencies with ‘the prophecy’, and a few things I’d like to change. So, since I’m at a standstill with the original version, I’m attempting to rewrite the story :) Similar main character (different name!), similar/same side characters, some major and minor changes as well.  
          I’m sorry if this is annoying!! I’m really hoping to stick through because I have a bunch of later chapters written/the ending and I really love the way it all ends, just need to actually get the rest done!!!
          Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and happy holidays!!!


i’ve been in a MAJOR stranger things era and i’ve been working on something the last few weeks and hopefully it will be up soon!
          i also have a new harry potter AU story coming out soon, just need to iron some things out before i start uploading parts :) 


hi friends :)
          i've been working on some stuff and also diving back into 'the prophecy' in hopes to start updating that again soon. reading it over, it has its weak spots and i'm not perfect at writing, but I still like the story. it's fun (to me, at least) and combines two huge interests of mine!
          i've been writing a lot of original stuff but i'm in a slump so now is the perfect time to finish up some stuff I started here (or try to).  i'm all graduated from school now, start my big girl job tomorrow, and i'll have time (hopefully) to finish things up :)


          lots has happened that has not given me much time to write fanfiction.  i'm graduating college this weekend (!!!) and i've used this last semester to work a lot on original ideas, and it's been incredibly fun... but i've missed writing silly little fanfictions.  Last week I also went through a break up with my partner of 1 1/2 years... so I have a lot of time on my hands.  I have a new story I'm working on, and there are a few spin-offs that I would like to touch up and begin posting soon. 
          But I've said that a million times... I hope I stick to it! I love to write and this summer I plan on continuing to work on my original/personal writings, but I also hope to get a lot of other things on here finally all wrapped up :)


@weasleyssweater congratulations on graduating! That is quite an accomplishment. And sorry to hear about your breakup. Those wre always rough.
            I look forward to reading more of your writings when you get back to it. You are an amazing writer. 


Traitor spin off is in the works!  No clue when I will have that up and posted since I only have the first chapter finished, but hopefully soon.  Stuck on the title, mainly.  Knowing me and my schedule with school, consistent updating is probably not going to happen until december!
          I hope everyone is doing well!


@weasleyssweater hi! I just read yoir marauders series. Learning that there is a spinoff in the works makes me excited! 


@weasleyssweater SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!


hi all :)
          sorry i have been MIA! college is kicking my butt at the moment, but the semester is nearly over and i’ve been working on a few things.  i also just wanted to let everyone who is interested know the ‘Tragedy’ is being translated into Spanish by @g-garfield !  I’ve never had a story translated before and it’s so nice to know that people enjoy reading what I have written.
          i also giggle when i see comments on some of my older stories before i was a hardcore wolfstar shipper.  like… i genuinely wrote sirius to romantically like main female characters and it was criminal of me to do that… because anytime i read a fanfic and they aren’t together i literally stop reading.  but to be fair, most fanfiction i read is wolfstar or jegulus. LOL.
          anyways, i hope everyone is doing well. thanks for the continuous love and support on my writing. i’ve always been very insecure of it and never share it with my friends, and i’m glad this is such a loving and supportive community :)
          see you all soon with more writing! 