
hey guys. ive been doing some writing and i know it isn't a fanfic or anything but i'd love if you would give it a read. its my most recent story on this page xx


oh my god. the finale. i have never been more angry in my life at the ending. i cried my eyes out why did they have to show all of those sad moments. the only good part of the episode was the japril reunion and the amelia and kai kiss. thats literally it. i stg if meredith ruins her relationship with nick cuz shes scared of being happy i will be so mad. also, everyone is manipulating and guilt tripping mer into staying at grey sloan even tho she rlly wants to leave. like let her move on jesus


hey guys sorry i kinda died for a bit. just letting you know i wont be writing for greys anymore as i don't like the new seasons and lost interest. however, i am planning on writing an actual book but its going to be ages before thats published xx


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if y'all have never read a colleen hoover book before... get ur ass off wattpad and over to amazon and order one RIGHT NOW ! it doesn't matter which one they're all amazing but 'all your perfects' and 'it ends with us' rlly changed my fucking life


ok so I just realised something... s18 is literally the same quality as my story 'how to save a life'.... like they're both CRAP


@fcketh_thyself aw thanks so much ! ur literally one of my biggest supporters on this app ahahaha


@wheredidthegoodgo tbh i like them both a lot and chasing cars is definitely better written but theyre both so much better than your average fic i honestly cant decide which one i like better


@fcketh_thyself rlly ? thank you so much but personally i feel like 'chasing cars' is a lot better.