
recently started watching The Flash. got an awesome idea for a fic. will be posted hopefully by New Year's. Happy Halloween, everyone!


Hello, it's Azra, I was wondering if you guys still do book reviews for writers climax, sorry if I am bothering but, I am having some trouble understanding the functions of publishing a book, thankfully I did understand some but, I pulished, a book called survival, I understand why it hasn't been getting much views, maybe because these things take time, but sometimes I am confused as to whether it's because my covers not good enough if it's the writing, can you please help me out by giving some feedback as to whether the plot is good or not, or if the writing is a bit cliche. I also have trouble with what a what guy should say as dialogue because what if it's cliche. Please check it out, it's actually on my profile or if you don't have the time please respond back. Thank you^^)


We do book reviews on WritersClimax still, but you will have to comment on the book in order to be reviewed, and it might take a while because it's a first come, first serve system. Hope I helped! 


If any of you are reading this, i have an update!
          My new project now has a title. Making slow progress on actual story (oops). If I posted before the story was done and tried to update when I actually got writing done, would you prefer that over regular posts after the story is finished?


Guys, I know it has been a while. I've taken down A Single Silence, and I probably won't be putting it back up for a long time, if ever. I am working on a story right now, but it is still in its infancy and probably won't be done until after December, at the earliest. It is a Harry Potter fanfiction, so sorry to my TMR fans. If you guys want me to post something, PM me and tell me what you want. I make lots of edits, so I might be willing to do a covers book. Anyway, I will see you all later, hopefully you will forgive me for not being active for over 3 months. ❤️


@clifftown I am not entirely sure I can because school starts soon for me. Hopefully I can get back into the rhythm of writing, but until then, I probably will only be active on other books. If there is something specific you want to see, feel free to message me what that is and I will see what I can do. Thanks for your patience! :)


Hi guys! I know it's been a while but I am super excited to inform you that there might be something new coming to my profile in the future. A Single Silence will still be on hold for a while, but hopefully I will finally be able to write that story again because I simply love it. 
          Hopefully, I'll see you all very soon!


Hello, sorry if i was such a bother, but would you mind checking out my book? It'd mean so much! Just click on my profile. Thank yoU, have a wonderful day! Xxxposwpwpoeoeieieidmmxcik12


sorry, I don't do those kinds of things! perhaps some people will see this and check you out, but I have other things to do. 


@wizardsandgladers I think Thomas should react to Newt's new relationship. He could be happy but sort of sarcastic about it, and maybe a teeny bit jealous because he likes Newt ;) 


@wizardsandgladers  then my work here is done XD nah I'm here when you need me


I can't stop laughing omg