
All right people it is here! My new story! This one is about the X-men!
          	Check it out if you liked my other material, it may be my most mature one yet.


I do suggest making crossovers though as you know character reincarnations and redemptions. Something I think would fit certain characters. Again I will bring up Adam from Rwby, being reborned in another world to learn of his mistakes or be redeemed. But it’s just a suggestion.


All in teary eyes when I finished the whole story. I just couldn’t get enough of it, I can’t remember when I started reading your stories but I believe I started off with BnHa series and then the Rwby series, as those two are my favourites and it is really nice to see such a lovely alternative universe fan fiction that is in such great detail. I really enjoyed all your stories, especially how you portray the “villains” and gave them a good ending. I like how you changed Cinder as a lot of fanfics made her like a lunatic and pure evil which I disagree, great job. Although, I would like to express my personal opinion on your Rwby fanfiction on the depiction of Adam since I believe he doesn’t get too much love in a lot of fanfics but I won’t argue anything. Still, a wonderful story and hopefully there will be a sequel to it. But, it is also fine to leave it like how it is.


@TonyLee411  Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The only sequels will probably be prequels or possibly another cross over in the future. I do suggest checking out my Naruto fic if you want to see the next leg of Shine and Wally's journey and the RWBY one will be referenced in it, so if I do make another story with RWBY characters, it'll be after that. I will be doing a mini crossover fic with them soon but it will be a wedding short story, so more for fun and to kind of get an idea of a major crossover, but not with a full plot.


So what plans do you have next after RWBY is finished?


@TonyLee411 Thanks for all your support first of all.
            And to answer your questions, I'm working on a Naruto saga which is pretty epic right now. After that I plan to finish up my Fantasy AU and possibly do some short stories. People have asked for more Rosegarden content so I may do a short series about them, probably not longer than 30 chapters or so. I will probably also work on my original stuff that's been on ther back burner.
            If you liked this story, I recommend checking out the X-men and MHA ones as well, they all build off each other. The order is RWBY, MHA, Naruto, and then X-Men.
            I have plenty of ideas, Just not enough time. That's always my problem, so I hope fans will be in for the long haul.


this message may be offensive
Holy shit. Just finish reading the new chapter in RWBY through worlds and I love it. This is actually and finally happening, all the hints, all that drama and all that action has finally come to a very satisfying conclusion. And I really like the names like Royal and Cinder as well as the scene as it reminds me of the actual Cinderella story. Very nice. And I’m happy for Cinder to have a good closure.


@TonyLee411  Glad you liked it. I really liked how it ended too.  There's a bit more bout them in the later chapters too. Romance has always been hard for me to write well, but I think I found it a lot easier in this story and I really liked all my ships. Even the non canon ones like Glass Castle. Andy yeah, the Cinderella references were so fun to put in. I actually really like this way of retelling the story.


Heyo I was wondering if your down to do a collab, I would private message you but Wattpad took an L so I'm texting in here, if your interested please add me on discord so that we can discuss more! 
          SilverPersona is my user, though it might not send 


@HershMaster  I was rereading your message and I realized you asked about Dischord, but I don't currently use that app. Thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure a collab is possible for me right now anyway, with the amount of things I have to work on right now. But good luck with your story and if you publish it, drop me a line and I could read it.


@worldwalkerdj well I mean in a way like where we plan the story and dialogue to either fit into our story or not whether it's canon or not y'know? With our oc's 


@HershMaster I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean. Sorry, I've never collabed before and am not sure how it would work.


Love your Rwby story. I’ve finished the first one and already at the end of the second one. Really like the way your portraying the characters especially Cinder which was one of my favourite characters as her background made her a conflict person. I was however hoping you also wrote a redemption arc on Adam but I understand that he is a controversial character in so many ways. Keep going. Can’t wait to see how the relationship develops between Cinder and Royal will turn out, I really hope it will be a good and happy ending as I believe she deserves it. Maybe, she will truly wash clear and be a mother that she truly wanted and put down her past. Looking forward to it.


Trying to think of one, but I might over complicate it. I may need to start over. And I’m stuck with work and all so progress is slow, but thanks for the support and offer.


@TonyLee411 That sounds interesting. I might read that if you publish it. Does it have a title?
            Also thanks, I work hard on to making my characters realistic.


Shine may be my favourite non-cannon character as she acts as a guide for all the other characters and she is the most realistic non-cannon I even seen. In fact her characteristics has inspired me in writing my own fanfics on Rwby as I’m currently struggling to write a good redemption arc for cinder, so your work gave me a few ideas. But I’m is more towards technology than magic, kind of cyberpunk style a bit.




@Jc32005 take your time your doing great to forget even  authors need some breaks


@Jc32005 Yeah. Still working on book 2.


@Jc32005 you are welcome, I hope to see more soon