
thank you all so so much for your continuous support throughout this past year, it means the world to me! i wish you a happy new year 2022 - despite everything, i'm really looking forward to it for several reasons. i hope the new year treats you all well. i'll get to replying to your new comments very soon, and i'm working on a few things right now, so hopefully there'll be some updates soon, too. big love and hugs ❤️


Hey so I have something you could write about how about ( jay and Hailey get together in secret they get engaged and married then have a kid all while the unit doesn’t know they one day the unit find out) I just don’t know how the unit will find out ( pls do this story I would love it won’t to read one like this so bad )


thank you all so so much for your continuous support throughout this past year, it means the world to me! i wish you a happy new year 2022 - despite everything, i'm really looking forward to it for several reasons. i hope the new year treats you all well. i'll get to replying to your new comments very soon, and i'm working on a few things right now, so hopefully there'll be some updates soon, too. big love and hugs ❤️


so i know i've been quite silent for a while and it sucks to keep you all waiting for updates... i just want to let you know that although a lot of things happened and i didn't have much time, let alone energy, to be active, i always read your comments  and they really really mean the world to me, make my days and keep me going. i finally got the time to reply to all your comments/messages today (yes, maybe i could have done it sooner, but i want to have the time/energy to fully show you i appreciate them all, not just quickly reply) and i really hope i didn't miss any comments (in case i did - it wasn't on purpose and i'm really sorry)! i don't want to promise any update schedules as long as i don't have enough chapters pre-written, but i will try to get back to updating my stories more often. everything's a bit messy right now, but there'll be a quarantined update soon and more to come, i hope ❤️


          hey, just wanted to let you all know that i have a lot of stuff going on at the moment and as much as i hate doing this, i'll have to pause 'lost and found' and 'remorse' until after my exams (roughly a month from now). i wanna be able to give 'lost and found' the proper attention and effort it deserves and i simply can't do that right now because my mind is in other places. also, i wanna finish what's left of 'remorse' over a short period of time, and i don't have the time for that at the moment either. i'm not officially pausing 'quarantined' because i have a lot of the next chapter(s) written and as soon as i end up writing to take my mind of things, i'll probably work on those. i'll be fully back in the end of july (possibly with some surprises as well), but i'll still be around until then, there just won't be many updates. thank you for understanding and thank you all so so much for your continuous support ❤️


Good luck with your exams!!!❤️