
Hello peeps! 
          	It's been a looooooong time lol. Hope you've all been fairing well.  
          	Awhile back i submitted a story for the 'Tough Skin' campaign. It's up now! Enjoy! 


Sorry for being so MIA lately. I was working on a story offline ... that was until I had to undergo emergency surgery. But I'm getting better now and as I recover over the weekend I'll try to post some updates. I'll really really try!
          Thanks for understanding guys.


So three things:
          1. Finally updated Locked Lips. During the past three days  i was able to write five more chapters! I know, i'm surprised too. Feeling quite accomplished right now, so  i'll probably have them up by the end of next week.
          2. The Popstar's Star. Ugh! Sorry I haven't updated, i literally forgot because i was so engrossed in writing Locked Lips. It just slipped my mind, and it probably had to do with the 5, 000 words i have to rewrite that i am not looking forward to!
          3. DESPACITO!! Justin Bieber's voice on the chorus of this song is giving me life!! Also making me feel so terribly inept cause i cant even say a word in Spanish!! WHY DID THE SONG HAVE TO SOUND SO GOOD?!!!
          To torture myself even further, i've been watching all the youtube covers i can find on the song  all day, and i have to say Madilyn Bailey and Leroy Sanchez's cover is THE BEST!!!