
Hey guys...
          	I’m not quite sure how to start this, other then the fact that I know an apology isn’t gonna cut it for the time I’ve been gone. 
          	Looking back it was definitely rude of me to leave with no answer and causing a lot of miss information about my absences, but all I can say was my mind was else where at the time. 
          	First off, I want to say I’m very much alive! I appreciate everyone’s concerns and disheartened to be the cause for them. I’ll admit the reason for my disappearance was writers block at first, but then school came around and had me start focusing more on my grades then the stories.
          	But once I finally had free time to write, I just... couldn’t. I don’t know the why exactly, even now I’m quite sure why. Maybe it was the life’s crisis I had or didn’t think what I wrote was good or I just couldn’t care, which sounds kinda bad. It felt like I was going through phases so, I’m not sure which one is the answer.
          	I just wish my past self during that time understood sooner that their are people waiting for him. Hearing all of you voice your concerns and waiting to see what I have planned for the next chapters of my stories deeply warms my heart.
          	As for my friends who’ve supported me on this platform, leaving them in dark wasn’t good of me and they didn’t deserve it. I honestly don’t deserve to be called their friend, knowing I’ve let them down, along with all of you. As much as I want to promise this’ll never happen again, I don’t believe I’ll be able to keep it.
          	There’s not enough words in the dictionary to describe how sorry I am, so I’ll formulate it into Tex’s fist, I’m sure she’s been waiting all this time for my return. But yeah, I’m not quite sure when I’ll start writing up again, but I just want everyone to be aware that I’m still alive.
          	Hopefully this isn’t too long now, but yeah hope everyone who reads this has a splendid day now. 


@xSpartanLeox Can't wait to read it when you write it again.


          	  soon it’s going to be 3 years sense their was an update


@xSpartanLeox soooo new year no update


Leo, even if you don’t come back. I’d like to say I love the RVB series you wrote. When I first came to Wattpad, they were the first stories I read and I’d like to say thank you as you have inspired me to write my own series of Red vs Blue.
          So I wish you all the luck in the world, wherever you are.


Your stories were a fantastic adventure I remember when I first came across your story and it was when Wattpad first logo I believe not all this new crap they are doing now but your stories were one of a kind so I don’t know what going on but be safe out there and your stories here are how we will remember you so be safe