
if you ever find yourself with a little bit of free time, i would love if you checked out my new story, adelaine. it's a book with advice, my experiences, and more. i'm trying to update it at least once daily as of right now
          	 sending love, adelaine.


if you ever find yourself with a little bit of free time, i would love if you checked out my new story, adelaine. it's a book with advice, my experiences, and more. i'm trying to update it at least once daily as of right now
           sending love, adelaine.


wow, i haven't been on here in ages. even though i said that last time, it literally has been over a year. life has been like a dam of water, constantly throwing life at me from multiple directions and it doesn't seem to stop. as i look back at my old stories, i've taken a look and seriously reconsidered them with a palm to the face. it's funny looking back at everything and questioning yourself with "why did i do that?" for starters, lynn was only a pen name that i took confidence in. i hope you all have been doing well in these many months that have passed since i last spoke to anyone on here.  xoxo, the real person behind the screen- adelaine


@IndigoWandress i'm glad to hear that you've been doing well! (congrats on the job and girlfriend!!) and hey, i hear you on the depression and anxiety- i've been there too. If you ever need to talk, just know that my door is always open:)


@IndigoWandress hi! i know, it seems like forever. how've you been doing?


Hi everyone! I haven't been on in what seems like years, but according to my activity, it's only been a few months. Basically I returned to say that I'm wanting to have a fresh start. I want to write instead of roleplay this time around. I felt like roleplay was taking up a lot of my time. Writing to me seems like a better option, a way to communicate without constantly having to be online. With that said, I have unpublished everything. No need to worry, it's not deleted. If you have any questions or anything to say, I'm happy to hear it!! -xo Lynn