22. Love is an open door

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Sunday morning began with a jump. Or rather a tap on the door. The imaginary door, not our door.

I jumped at the loud knocking sound coming from under my bed.

Do you want to build a snowman...

"Turn that off!" Harriet, another of our doormates, yelled from across the room.

I never see you anymore...

I rolled out of bed and crouched down on my knees to peer under my bed. Bingo! There was a speaker.

We used to be best buddies...

I lunged for the off button blocking out Frozen. A sigh of relief filled the room.

"I think that was a pretty considerate song choice to wake us up to." June hopped down from the top bunk. "Though it is only 7am."

"Time to go back to sleep." Holly groaned, pulling a pillow over her head.

I heard my phone chime and picked it up, seeing a text from an unknown number.

Good morning princess.

I groaned. How on earth had Griffin got ahold of my number? Here I was trying to ignore him and yet somehow he'd managed to get even closer. A shiver went through me as I remembered what had happened yesterday. 

Griffin had kissed Brittney.

Ugh. Today I was not going to let him get under my skin. He was my rival and that was it, nothing more. I could handle him and his pranks with my head held high.  

 My phone buzzed again as another text came through.

Love is an open door. Though I see yours is still shut.

I looked up. "June, I don't think this prank is over yet."

"Oh?" I showed her my phone and her eyes widened. "Oh."

"Yeah oh." I laughed.

June waggled her eyebrows. "I didn't realise you'd given him your number."

"I didn't. Someone else must have."

"We should go see what he's talking about." June moved to go open the dorm door.

"Wait!" I raised my voice and she turned back. "Let's get dressed first. I can't let Griffin see me in my PJ's."

June looked me up and down. "Fair enough, he'd never let you live it down."

It was bad enough that Griffin had seen my princess bra. If he saw that I also had Disney themed PJ's I don't know what he'd do. I began pulling on shorts and a light t-shirt. Today we were going down to the lake that was on the school grounds.

"Am I forgetting anything?" June asked looking into her bag. "I have my towel, bikini and water bottle."

I slung my own bag over my shoulder. "Well if you've forgotten anything then I have too because I have exactly that."

"And we're returning here before we set up our tents this evening?"

I nodded. "Yep."

Tonight marked the beginning of capture-the-flag. Well kinda. The game properly began at dawn tomorrow but today the opening bonfire would happen followed by a night spent in tents.

My phone began buzzing again on my bed and I picked it up again to see more messages from Griffin.

Even if you're named after Sleeping Beauty, I don't believe you've managed to sleep through Frozen.

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