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I was sitting by my desk doing my usual deskwork when my butler requested to enter the room. He came to inform me on Dagen and Rosaline's return, I asked him to bring Dagen to me and soon enough he did.

"So how did it go?"

"She took the bait and tried to slip away from me not realizing that I was one step behind the whole time."

I chukled at his words, she really was planning something.

"It was quite strange though.."

"What was?"

"She was able to enter the Serperters guild on her own, she actually knew the code. I never thought she'd be the type to be involved in that type of thing."

I was looking through the papers as he was talking, checking to make sure I hadn't made any mistakes and his words about her knowing the code made me come to a halt. 'When did she learn about these things?'

"Where you able to sneak into the guild and see what she was up to?"

"It was too heavily guarded so I sadly wasn't able to advance any further."

"I see.. I'll have to keep an eye on her."

Dagen grabbed one of my papers and flipped it around.

"What are you looking so serious for? You're a real bore y'know? Can't you give someone else this job?"

"You know why I put you on this job, you just want to hear me say I trust you the most."

Dagen's face immidieatly lit up as he started bombarding me with questions about how I really felt about him. 'He's like a dog..' Of course I knew this was how it'd go, why'd I say that? I snatched the papers from his hands and went back to working. He frowned at me and started spouting nonsense again but I just ignored him this time. I gestured for him to leave without looking up from my papers and he did a big exaggerated sigh as he turned around.


He stopped.

"If you see any strange behaviours tell me."

"Of course."

He gave a small smile then left.





Weeks passed without her doing anything strange. Dagen hadn't reported anything to me either so I opted to asking her main maid, Anna, if she had seen anything strange. But sadly there wasn't much.

"Well actually there is something.."

"There is?" I said with slight excitment, finally something that could give me a hint.

"Yeah, I don't know if I'm imagining it but she sometimes seems a bit out of it? She looks at the clocks a lot as if she's waiting for something and is in a hurry. And sometimes in her sleep.. no."

"What about her sleep?"

"Ah, it's nothing. Maybe you should check up on her? I'm worried could she be sick!?"

I looked at Anna, noticing the worry in her face. She definitely didn't know any more.. 'Rosaline hadn't even told her so whatever's going on is probably really important.'

"You don't need to worry too much, she's probably not sick."

Anna let out a sigh of relief and I continued pondering over this.

"It's alright Anna, you can leave now."

She looked slightly confused but bowed and then left. I looked out the window noticing that it had become dark outside. 'Time really flies when you least expect it.' I looked at the clock wondering if lady Rosaline had gone to bed yet. The maid's words were stuck on my mind. "What about her sleep..?" I leaned against the desk looking at the moon that peeked through the curtains. My thoughts were scrambled and it was really annoying, I let out a big sigh and and left the room. It was pretty late by now so she should be asleep. 'Rosaline will never stop being a nuisence will she?'

I entered her room, it was warm and dark, I was barely even able to navigate in there. The room was a lot tidier than the last time I had entered it. I searched for her big bed and saw her laying in it, it looked as if she had been swallowed by the it. I observed her face seeing her laying down so peacefully.

Her steady breathing,

the slightly open mouth,

the way her lashes curled up so perfectly,

her soft looking hands,


she looked so graceful laying there.

Before my thoughts could continue she started acting weird. Her face scrunched in pain as she started breathing more heavily.

'Could it be a nightmare?'


"Alono? Who could that be?"

I felt like I had seen enough and was ready to leave but something was stopping me. Seeing her suffer like that there wasn't much I could do but hold her hand.

Even though I'd never admit it I was wishing that maybe my warmth could reach her and calm her soul.

I stayed by her side and soon enough she started to calm down.

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now