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Tamara and Lucy woke up around four am to get ready Lucy got out of bed and checked her phone she had loads of messages from Tim :
Tim x
Lucy baby I'm sorry
I didn't mean it I love you
I miss you
* missed call *
Answer me
You'd be nothing without me
answer your phone
Sorry I didn't mean that I'm just upset
You can't go on vacation we need to talk
Lucy please
She Rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen she made her and Tamara some coffee she took Tamara's coffee into her room and shook her slightly to wake her up
" come on tam we have to be at the airport in an hour "
" but I'm tired " Tamara whined
" well you can always stay here and I'll go to New York " Lucy said with a little grin
" NO IM UP IM UP " Tamara sat up in her bed realising that Lucy tricked her
" haha very funny " Tamara said sarcastically
Lucy laughed and handed Tamara her coffee Lucy got up of Tamara's bed and went into her room she straightened her hair and put on a oversized hoodie and leggings she grabbed everything she needed for the airport and New York and put it by the door Tamara did the same they both had some breakfast and got into Lucy's car and started the ten minute drive to the airport
" you excited " Lucy asked
" YEAH OF COURSE ITS NEW YORK and it's June so it'll be warm " Tamara said excitement overtaking her body Lucy giggled at Tamara excitement after about ten minutes they turned up at the airport they went to the terminal where the private jet is they boarded with they're stuff and sat down on the comfy chairs provided after around ten minutes the plane was in the air and they began they're flight to New York Tamara suddenly realised something
" hey why did you ask me to come with you and not Tim" Tamara questioned Lucy
" Tim an I broke up yesterday I walked into a bar to see him and Ashley making out in the back corner" Lucy said an embarrassed look on her face
" awww Luce I'm so sorry I didn't even realise " Tamara felt guilt for reopening the topic
" it's ok you didn't know and I'm excited to go to New York but something he said has like stuck with me " Lucy replied Tim's word sinking into her skin giving her goosebumps
" what did he say " Tamara asked a little concerned
" he said that I'd be nothing without him and I'm kinda concerned he was right like he was my TO he trained me so I was just thinking what if he was right"
" oh Luce he's wrong you got through the academy you passed all of his tests and became a p2 you passed the detectives exam and made the best detective in the country in six months now everyone wants your help Lucy he didn't do that you did your amazing he didn't make you amazing you made yourself amazing and now the whole country loves you " Tamara comforted her
" thanks tam your the best but I'm gonna do some work before we get to New York " Lucy pulled out her laptop and began her online paperwork that she needed to finish
" that's fine I'm going back asleep wake me up around half an hour before we get there pretty please so I can make myself look presentable"
Tamara made Lucy laugh Lucy nodded and out in her headphones while Tamara lower her seat and went to sleep it was around 12:15 Lucy had just finished all her paperwork and it was 45 minutes before they land so she tapped Tamara.
" tam wake up we land in forty five minutes " Lucy gently shook her to wake her up
" I'm awake stop shaking me " Tamara answered in a sleepy voice still not opening her eyes which made Lucy laugh Tamara sat up and fixed her makeup and hair while Lucy read some of the book she had started reading two days before.the plane landed and the women grabbed there bags and made they're way off the plane.
The two girls couldn't believe it they were in New York .

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