march 8, 2017

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i was out clubbing. you know having a good time. i was grinding on mia. we was hanging wit some girly friends of ours. my phone keep vibrating on my ass and it wouldn't stop.

i grabbed it outta my pocket.

stokeley pokeley is calling.

accept. decline.

i walked off the dancefloor and outside.

"aye wassup stokkk" i slurred. you see,
i wasn't drunk. but i wasn't sober either. i had only taken two shots and was on my first drink.

"diego needs you right now. get to the usual studio. right fuckin now. he keeps saying your name and he freakin out."

he having an anxiety attack. diego has really bad anxiety.

"i'll be there in 10. just try to keep him calm. if he start crying try to sooth him."

i quickly texted the girls and i's group chat saying i had an emergency and left. i called my uber. and luckily to my advantage. there was an uber 2 minutes away. i hopped in the car and i was at the studio in under 5 minutes.

i thanked my driver and ran up the stairs into
the studio. i knocked and one of the boys quickly opened the door. i looked around for diego. he was crying. his head in his hands. sobbing. on the floor. i instantly ran over to him.

i started rubbing his back.

"you're okay. breath diego. inhale. exhale. it's okay. ssshhh." i rubbed his back. he slightly looked up. diego recognizing it was me grabbed onto me like a lifeline. and started sobbing into my chest. i put my arms around him.

"diego. it's okay. do it with me. inhale." i deeply inhale and i felt diego do it aswell.

"okay. good job. now exhale." he let out a long shaky breath. after doing this a few more times, diego started to calm down.

ever since then. i could barely get out with the girls. i could maybe go out with mia for three hours. diego depended on me. where ever i went, he went. where ever he went, i went. i for some reason. was the only one who knew how to settle his anxiety attacks. some days they were bad. some days they weren't so bad.

diego and i's relationship started to grow. at a rapid rate. he was my bestfriend. other than mia. we told eachother everything. well almost everything. he ended up breaking up with
jess. they tried to make it work again. but it just didn't. some nights, diego would wake me up just so i could hold him. i really never thought anything of it. i was madly in love with diego. but of course, i would never admit it.

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