Chapter 5

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*2nd POV*

While you were up in you're room America decided to call two of his friends to come over so that they can hang out because you didn't exactly seem like you wanted to. In reality you were just being a little shy. Plus hopefully with them over you guys can all have fun together and liven you up a bit.

America dialed a friend of his and waited for them to pick up, he didn't have to wait very long for that to happen, 

"What's up America? Me and Prussia tried calling you earlier but you didn't pick up?" Denmark asked. 

America apologized, "Sorry my dude, I'm here at England's house babysitting his sibling, but I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over and hang out," he then whispered, "cause I'm not gonna lie, but they're kinda boring and just want to hang out in their room."

"I see, I see, so you want us over to help liven up the little dude?" Denmark replied. 

"Exactly! So what do ya say?" America exclaimed. 

"Totally! We'll be over in a few." Denmark agreed, then after he hung up.

~Time skip to when the rest of the Awesome Trio arrive~

America was waiting in them living room channel surfing when he heard the door bell ring. He turned off the T.V. then went to the front door, and there were the other Awesome trio members waiting. 

"Dudes! Thanks for comin' over!" America greeted his two pals. 

"No problem dude of course the awesome me and Denmark could come over!" Prussia replied. 

"Yeah dude! Wouldn't want to leave ya hanging!" Denmark added. 

You had heard some commotion from downstairs, so you went and investigated and you were surprised to see two unfamiliar men talking with your babysitter, 

"America who are these guys?"

The trio looked towards where you were standing, America gestured for you to come forward, which you did hesitantly. 

"Don't worry (C/N), these are my friends!" America replied. 

You nodded in understanding slowly. 

America looked towards friends, "Right, you guys introduce yourselves." 

"I am ze awesome Prussia! Also known as Gilbert Beilschmidt!" Prussia exclaimed. 

Denmark took a step forward, "And I am the King of Northern Europe Denmark! And my human name is Mathias Køhler!"

"America, did my big brother say it was okay to let your friends come here?" You asked. 

All three of them went quiet.

You stared at him, "So he doesn't know about this."

Prussia kneeled down in front of you, "Little birdie I'm going to give zhis to jou straight, sometimes in life  jou just got to live a little."

You raised an eyebrow, "Okay..."

You weren't sure how that was really relevant to your situation, but whatever.

"I'm just going to go back into my room..." You said awkwardly before making your way back to your room once more.

Once you left Denmark spoke out, "So that's why you wanted us to come over."

America nodded, "So how do you think we can liven up the little dude?"

Prussia smirked, "I have zhe perfect idea..."


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