7. Running Into Her

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I immediately move so I'm hidden by a 3 tier rack of a 2 piece black bra set. I look again and realise its definitely her. I see her go to the other side of the store and pick up a set of thongs. I look around carefully to find Gabby and Daisy and I see them at the fitting rooms. I look over at her and see her holding a guys hand.

A new boyfriend. I watch her buy some stuff and leave. I sigh with relief and Gabby looks at me.

G: 'You seem on edge Blair, you ok?'

I smile and nod.

G: 'Oh cmon, clearly somethings up,'

Y: 'Alright fine, I just saw my ex.'

G: 'Ohhhh no wonder! Is he still in here?'

Y: 'No, shes just left...'

She looks at me and smiles.

G: 'Aw we stan a LGBTQ+ queen! If you want we can go,'

I giggle and shake my head.
Y: 'No, no it's fine, we broke up after 4 months cause I found out she was cheating. With her step brother.'

Gabbys jaw drops and Daisy flings back the curtain and looks at me completely stunned.

D: 'Shit that's messy as hell'

Y: 'Yeah, especially as it broke her mom and stepfathers marriage'

G: 'Oh dam queen, that must have hurt!'

D: 'I dont mean to sound rude, and its just  genuine question. What is your sexuality? Are you lesbian, bi, pan?'

Y: 'Bi, shes the only girl I ever dated, the other people I've dated have all been guys. Dont worry it's fine, I don't mind talking about it'

She smiles and nods.

G: 'So what you buying then Daisy?'

Daisy smiles and shows her the two things shes gonna get. I show them what im buying and Gabby does the same. We shop for a few hours and end up with at least 10 different branded shopping bags each. I quickly go back to the cars and put all the bags in.

Y: 'So where should we go to eat?'

D: 'Theres this really nice salad and pizza bar in the food courts?'

G: 'Ooooo yeah!'

Y: 'Sounds good,'

We walk over to the food courts and into P&S Paradise (yeah I did make this up, it's not copyrighted, I'm not about to catch a law suit lmao). I sit down and look at the tropical menus and smile.

G: 'What are you girls gonna get then'

D: 'Jeez give us time to look Gab!'

I giggle and spend a few more minutes deciding. I end up choosing a vegetable pizza and an iced mango smoothie. A waitress comes over and takes your orders and they arrive 10 minutes later.

D: 'So you know that lingerie you bought in Dior and VS Blairrrrr'

Gabby laughs and Daisy is giggling. I smile and close my eyes.

Y: 'It is for my own personal reasons you two,'

G: 'Mmm didnt know Josh's new name was personal reasons'

I accidentally snort on your smoothie and it sends Daisy into uncontrollable laughter. Gabby starts to giggle and I wipe my nose with a napkin. I smile and watch them laugh.

Y: 'If you must know it's for me to look at myself in the mirror and feel better about myself!'

D: 'Aw baby you look absolutely stunning as you are,'

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