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    "I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT THE DROIDS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SHOOT YOU," Anakin grunts, dodging and sending back the vibrant red beams. The two had gotten off at the closest stop and ran into some droids.

    Astrid shoots back with her own blaster, knocking three droids to the ground, "if you haven't noticed, they're all aiming at you. I'm just being kind and helping you."

    "How kind," Anakin grumbles, watching Astrid knock a few more to the ground, "how are you so good at shooting?"

    "I'm not called the best shot in Apollo for no reason," Astrid boasts with a cocky grin as they continue the run down the call, "plus, I've been the target of assassination attempts more times than I can count, there is no way I'm not training to protect myself."

    The two make a turn and hide behind a divider. Anakin tries reaching the Jedi Master while Astrid knocks down more droids. Her precision was near perfect and she could thank Gery, the royal family's trainer.

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