11 Ruler

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If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.

Emily Bronte


"There is a message for you."

"From whom?"

"From the Khalifa."

He motions to the guard to hand him over the scroll case. Removing the scroll from it, he unrolls it to read it, his gaze quickly scanning over the letters.

"What does it say, sayidi?" Zahir asks him.

"That he has some names in mind for the new governor of Qahira. He asks for my opinion on it." He puts the scroll back in its case. "And for me to return to Baghdad in his service."

"What now?"

"We do as we're asked to. That has been an agreement between us." He twirls the scroll case in his hand, meeting his vizier's eyes as he speaks, "After the term of the truce is reached... well, that is when we take the reins and change the rules."


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"There is someone, Roya, who wants to kill me or kill him. I'm afraid that could be the reason Adam kept me away from the palace so long-- this threat to our lives still remains. Or this could be one of the reasons."

"Did you tell shahzade about it?"

"No. Not yet. But he probably already knows someone is after him, or us."

"Shahzade can have enemies, khanum. But do you think they'll try to harm you to get to him? Would they actually try to kill you, God forbid?"

Noura stands up from where she's sitting with Roya under a tree. She lifts her sword to the sky and the sun shines over the blade as it cuts the light. The rays are deflected apart, blindingly bright, and she brings the sword down again. Azar waits for her to finish her break before they can resume her training. She turns to Roya who has gotten to her feet too.

"I don't know. But if someone really intends to kill my husband, then they sure will have to go through me before they get to him."

"Khanum, maybe you can inform Eskander agha about it," Roya suggests. "He must be able to help."

"Eskander doesn't serve my husband, Roya."

"But he'll still do anything for you. Especially if it's your life in question."

Noura smiles at her. "True, but let's not drag him in when everything is still unclear. Besides, I'm sure Adam will not appreciate any assistance from him."

"Then you'll keep both your husband and your brother in denial?"

"I'll let them think I'm the one in denial so they don't put bars around me." She motions to Azar to let him know she's ready to continue their training. He nods and goes to pick his sword. Noura looks back at Roya. "Daud here is not only my guard, he's Adam's eyes on me when he's not around. I don't want another pair of eyes in case Adam suspects something."

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