14- home sweet home

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present july 2022; narrative

The last few months of the school year always go by the fastest. Unfortunately Uconn didn't win the NCAA tournament but they came in second which just encouraged them to work hard next year and take home the win. The first few weeks after the loss was hard, everyone was down but eventually everyone went back to normal, the team already prepared to start working for next year.

I was all packed and leaving back home in a few hours. Paige had to stay at school for a little longer then she'd meet me in Montana whenever I was ready. Honestly I would rather spend all my time in Montana with Paige and her family but I knew I had to see mine, whether it was a healthy one or not. On the bright side, my sister still lived in New York with her boyfriend. My sister and mom were also not on speaking terms after she brought home a guy my mom didn't approve of. What a shocker. 

I was with the whole team in Paige and Azzi's room. They wanted to say goodbye and hangout before I left and didn't see them for a bit. I did tear up a little. These girls had become my family over the year, I didn't want to spend time without them.

"Promise you'll call all the time." Nika rested her head against my shoulder. Paige, who was on the other side of me with her arm around my shoulder, was looking at Nika very unimpressed, waiting for her to move so Paige could have me all to herself.

"Yes and I'll be back by August when you start doing practices and workouts." I replied. I didn't have to, Geno had told me to take the whole summer off but I wanted to be with these girls, even if it meant being on campus early.

"Ok can you get off my girl, she's leaving soon." Paige said to Nika, now fed up with how long she'd been laying with me. She laughed, moving over to Azzi and Paige pulled me closer.

It was crazy to me how easily Paige could put me at ease. I was about to leave and go back to a place I dreaded but in this moment in her arms I couldn't focus on anything but her. I picked up on all her little habits, how she bit her bottom lip almost all the time, how she randomly broke out in dance when she was bored, how she spoke with her hands when she was excited. Everyday I learned something new about her and she just continued to amaze me.

Time flew by when I was with her and before I knew it I had to get on my flight back home. Paige drove me and it's like there was a gray storm cloud above the car. She held my hand the whole ride but didn't speak, we just enjoyed the last bit of time together in silence. When we finally parked at the airport neither one of us made a move to get out of the car, somewhat wishing my flight would get canceled. We sat there until I didn't have any more time to spare and I had to go. Just as I went to reach for the handle Paige grabbed my arm and kissed me softly. After we got out of this car we had to appear purely platonic so I savored the kiss, holding her face to deepen it.

Paige pulled away and got out of the car, grabbing my suitcase and putting it on the sidewalk. With me on the sidewalk and her on the road I seemed less short compared to her then I actually was.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu