Chapter 2

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"Anakin, are you fixing R2 or trying to turn him into a music-droid?"

Anakin mock glared at his master, pointing a repair tool at him like it was a lightsaber. "You, Master, are the one who decided not to warn me that we'd be going anywhere with a swamp. I didn't think I'd have to clean this kind of gunk out of an astromech!" he said, pointing to the goop he managed to pull out of R2D2 with a mixture of tools and the Force.

"Life often leads us to things we aren't prepared for, Padawan," Qui-Gon advised in mirth.

"I'm not complaining for me, I'm doing it for poor R2! Since, somehow, I'm about the only Jedi who is responsible with droids," Anakin remarked pointedly.

"That is a rather bold exaggeration," Qui-Gon mused with a stern look that was mostly feigned.

"I was trying to be nice and not say you are all horribly irresponsible with droids," Anakin said, R2D2 giving static-plagued beeps of agreement. "See! R2 misses Tatooine now! Tat-too-ine! No one misses Tatooine, Master! Not even the Hutts miss Tatooine!"

Qui-Gon could argue that point but wisely chose not to; mostly because Anakin was being truthful about was only expressing R2D2's ire on the droid's behalf. "How about this as an apology? I'll help you get those new jets you've been wanting to install onto him."

Anakin and R2 looked at one another, the astromech's lenses spinning towards the Padawan before letting out some more pleasant beeps, getting a nod from Anakin. "The droid is appeased," Anakin said with finality, rising from his position. "So, what's Obi-Wan got himself into this time?"

"That is the question," Qui-Gon agreed as he looked out the front of the cockpit, seeing the rushing lights of hyperspace travel.

"The Hydian Way is still amazing," Anakin said with a boyish grin as he joined in the co-pilot seat. "With a single jump, you can cross the entire galaxy."

Qui-Gon hummed his understanding. "I seem to recall the first time we went to Serenno, you were more interested in seeing what the "New Territories" were like."

"Well, I kind of agree with Master Dooku," Anakin said thoughtfully. "I like thinking of the Galaxy by the "region names" rather than the "how close are we to Coruscant" names."

"There is merit in both," Qui-Gon advised. "Yes, the areas formed by the hyperlanes have many distinctions and patterns native to them, but it's important to remember that Coruscant isn't the center of the galaxy. Much as many would like it to be. The Core of the Galaxy is a fixed point around which all else revolves. Keeping where it is and its distance in mind is as wise as knowing what makes the regions unique."

"Yeah, but can you really compare Tatooine or Dagobah to Serenno despite them all being in the Outer Rim?" Anakin countered.

Qui-Gon nodded, stroking his beard in idle contemplation. "Another distinction to consider: how far a planet is away from an established hyperlane."

Anakin paused for a moment as the conversation ended. "Where are we going, exactly? Dooku obviously doesn't know where Obi-Wan is, so going to Serenno doesn't exactly help."

"Obi-Wan definitely left Coruscant and, presumably, made his way to Serenno," Qui-Gon reminded. "So, that would mean that he made a stop somewhere between the two points."

"What, do you think his ship was damaged?" Anakin asked in concern. "Because despite everything going on, I like to think random pirates haven't managed to get anything that could produce gravity wells yet."

"No, nothing so dire. I think Obi-Wan just made a stop for lunch," Qui-Gon answered with a knowing smile.

"Lunch?" Anakin repeated dubiously.

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