My wolf

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"How is she doing?" I asked Runy as I entered the packhouse.

"Not good," She stepped forward, taking my coat from me that I took off, "She hasn't eaten anything and she refuses to come out of her room." Runy let out a sigh, "She looks like she's completely broken."

I understand that she's devastated, but this isn't right. She should at least eat. If it's just about Eris being taken away, I can get her back. Does she think no one can do anything for her? Is that why she's broken down? Did she not think that I could do that for her?

"It's alright," I looked at her, "I'll talk to her, bring some soup for her a while after I go in,"

"Yes sir," She gave me a short bow and I made my way up the stairs to go to her room.



I was on the bed with the curtains closed and the room dark. Tears streamed silently down my cheeks, tracing the contours of my face while I had no motivation to move my body or even try to get up.

I never thought there would be a place worse than where I was most of my life but here I am.

Eris was my sole tether to this world, she was who motivated me to go to work. She wasn't only my sister, she was like my child. I have raised her since she was born.

A sense of desolation seemed to seep into every crevice of my existence. Each breath felt like a laborious task, as if the air itself had turned thick and viscous, making it difficult to draw in the oxygen I so desperately need to sustain me.

But it wasn't just the gaping void left by my sister's departure that clawed at my insides. It was the bitter sting of betrayal, the searing pain of shattered illusions. It was something I did to myself. I fell in love with a werewolf who already had a soulmate. And I was foolish enough to think it was me. I was stupid enough to think I could mean the world to someone and I let myself fall further into despair because of that.

Tears stream down my cheeks unchecked, mingling with the ache in my chest until I could no longer distinguish one from the other.

I was lost

I was so down in the dumps I didn't care if I stopped breathing at the moment. I closed my eyes, wanting never to wake up again when I heard scratching on the door.



I opened my eyes again and looked at the door. The scratching sound was coming from there. It was like someone was sliding his fingers on the door. I kept my eyes on the door but I didn't have the energy to get up.

That's when the doorknob turned, I watched silently as the door opened in my direction. I couldn't immediately see who it was since the door was blocking my view but a second later I saw a nose.


Then a face appeared. The face of an animal


"Azef?" I whispered his name as he entered the room in his wolf form. He looked at me, then walked over, jumped on the bed and slid in next to me, Sitting down with his eyes on me.

I stared at him.

Why did he come here in this form? My hand moved on its own as I noticed his fur but I was so out of energy, my arm fell before I could reach him.

His eyes went wide when he noticed how lethargically my arm fell. He lowered his body further, whining as he tugged at my arm with his nose but didn't say anything. He looked worried and that made my heart ache.

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