Getting to Know the States

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Hello I am BuckeyeKitty the author of this story. I own nothing but the States and DC's OC. Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. Also I am very bad with accents.

"...." Thoughts

"...." Speaking

With America

"So those are my kids" said Alfred.

"Bloody hell how did you hide this from us and raise them?" asked Arthur.

"For the hiding with brides, difficulties, and groundings. Raising them Aspirin, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen" said Alfred.

"I am going to go talk to Idaho" said Ludwig.

"Potato bastards stick together" muttered Lovino.

"All of my kids are armed with a pistol with a wooden handle that has their capital carved on it" said Alfred walking out of the theater.

"Where are you going mon amie?" asked Francis.

"To make dinner and have some time away from the monkeys that are my kids" said Alfred, "Oh and no blowing anything up and no fighting."

"Ok Dad" said 51 kids.

Alfred walked to the kitchen and sat down at the bar stool. "Homestyle or Cultural foods? .......... Homestyle." He said to himself. After he decide that he was going to make Homestyle foods he got started on the food.

Sorry guys but I'm not good at finding stuff online so I'm just going to say "The Food". Sorry.

After a half an hour Alfred heard Daniel yell "Dad!"

Alfred turned off the stove and went to the theater. When he got there he saw that most of the states were holding back the Overprotective trio back from Arthur. "What happened? Also Alex, Georgia, Sam calm down now" Alfred said.

"All I asked was why Mason was blind" said Arthur.

Alfred took a deep breath and said "All I'm going to say is the Boston Massacre."

"Oh," was all Arthur said, "Sorry."

"You better be limey" said Alex.

"Alex stop," said Alfred, "Alex, Georgia, and Sam come help me make dinner now."

"Fine" said the Overprotective Trio.

Alfred and the Overprotective Trio walked out of the theater and to the kitchen. Alfred turned back on the stove and resumed cooking. The Overprotective Trio was helping but also trying to plan a way to get back at Arthur but Alfred put a stop to that pretty quickly. After about an hour dinner was done and Alfred had the Overprotective Trio set the table and then Alfred put name plates on the spots because Alfred didn't trust them to put Arthur at the table. Alfred put the godparents (Gilbert, Natalya, Ivan, Toris, and Lovino) and Matthew by the states they are either the godparent of or close to. Arthur and Francis weren't together and Arthur wasn't anywhere close to the original thirteen or D.C. From what Alfred saw Kiku and Lila were getting close so he put them next to each other. Alfred was thinking about asking Kiku to be Lila's godfather but he would have to ask Lila first. While Alfred was putting the name plates on the table the Overprotective Trio was putting the food on a cart.

Then Alfred walked into the theater and said "Dinner, but I want everyone to find your country, capital, or state name on the nameplates on the table."

"Al what did you make?" asked Gilbert.

"I made Homestyle foods" said Alfred.

"Yes!!!" exclaimed Matthew who came over.

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