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Teaser for Season One

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Have you ever wished your favourite Wattpad story went on forever? That your favourite fictional Wattpad couple could keep going on dates until the end of time? Well, you're in luck, because this is Season One of A Royal Deception (written by @TDMcGee) — Wattpad's first-ever Infinite Story!

Starting April 14th, you can expect new chapters every week until the Season One finale on July 3rd. After that, there will be new seasons released twice a year, every year, forever!

So if you're curious about what's in store for Eddie Shaw, our down-on-her-luck princess-in-disguise, here's a little teaser excerpt from later in the season...

So if you're curious about what's in store for Eddie Shaw, our down-on-her-luck princess-in-disguise, here's a little teaser excerpt from later in the season

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Prince Harold looked deep into my eyes; his expression was hard to read. I thought I saw gratitude there and resolve, but I couldn't be sure. He placed his hand on the side of my face, a gesture I found remarkably comforting.

"Thank you, Eddie."

I took his hand in mine, but only for a moment before he pulled away.

"It is late; we should get some sleep." He stood and observed the single bed with a degree of concern. If our brief kiss had had the same effect on his anatomy as it did on mine, I could understand his hesitation. "I'll sleep in one of the chairs."

I scoffed, "Oh, come on. We can put a pillow between us if you're embarrassed about waking up with the royal morning wood. I promise I'll keep my hands to myself."

He muttered something that sounded like, "I wish you wouldn't." Then he said a little louder, "That will be acceptable. Thank you for understanding." Then he turned off the lights, leaving us in the dim light of the slowly dying fire.

"No worries," I said, sliding off my jeans and snuggling under the covers in just my shirt and underwear, "there's always some distance between comedy and tragedy; why should we be any different?"

In the dim, flickering orange glow, I saw him slip his shirt off over his head, revealing the faint outline of an absolutely cut body. His gorgeous pecs and abs were covered in a fine layer of hair. He slipped off his pants, and I was intrigued to see that His Highness preferred boxer briefs for his lowness.

Which, even in the dim light, I could see was as impressive as his chest.

I felt the bed sag as he climbed in next to me, our little pillow-modesty-wall protecting our supposed chastity.

"Goodnight, Eddie," he said into the darkness.

"Goodnight, Harold."

We fell into an uneasy sleep.

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Intrigued? Then make sure to add A Royal Deception to your library and check back for weekly updates!

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