
HLHS is being rewritten! Thoughts on this. The original will be left up, but I hope you will all consider reading the new version and let me know which one you prefer! :)


          Today is Valentines Day, a day of love and romance, in Canada February 14th is also Congenital Heart Defect Day, on behalf of Angelica Gracie Franco who has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, a type of congenital heart defect I post this. In her honor, check out my novel HLHS


It's February! In addition to it being the month of love celebrated in Valentine's Day its also Heart & Stroke Month in the USA, and I post this on behalf of our beloved Angelica Gracie Franco who has Hypoplastic Left Heart Sydrome, a type of Congential Heart Defect, so in her honor check out my novel HLHS