
When you try to type Commander Cody but it autocorrects to Commander Costco


@Wolfspreinger RIGHT??? I need to learn how to add words to like accepted terms in the keyboard


@Fulcrum_101 I have something like that with Fives. When I try to write his name T9 changes it to Fines


When I try to type 'Hunter' but it always changes to 'Hubby' and I ain't even mad cause it's true for me at least-


When you try to type Commander Cody but it autocorrects to Commander Costco


@Wolfspreinger RIGHT??? I need to learn how to add words to like accepted terms in the keyboard


@Fulcrum_101 I have something like that with Fives. When I try to write his name T9 changes it to Fines


When I try to type 'Hunter' but it always changes to 'Hubby' and I ain't even mad cause it's true for me at least-


Watch this bad batch episode kill me rn in the best way possible


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It was definitely the heart. When fucking Hemlock told her this is your new home— STOP IT RIGHT THERE SIR


@Fulcrum_101 stabbed through the heart or shot in the head? I can't do both, I don't own a firearm


And Dave freaking Filoni had the balls of steel to say “ Star Wars should cause a good feeling. An uplifting feeling” 
          SIR NO


I was just joking about Dave filoni causing me such great joy and then ripping it away, but I see your points too. Rots will always be my favorite movie and tcw will always be my favorite show because they’re just the best piece of cinema ever and portrays Anakin’s turn perfectly it makes me wanna t her ow up but in the best way yk


@Fulcrum_101 No i agree with him on this one , Part of the reason i don't Like Rots anymore is The Dark Tone , ironically I love Rouge One for the exact opposite reason lol 
            To much of a Dark Tone and it ruins it for me , which is why I love Rebels , Ahsoka and Mandalorian , both have the perfect mix of Lighter Tone's And Dark Tone's 
            As much as i love Tcw , it can be a bit of a chore to watch through ngl 
            Heck , I know people will prefer Esb or Rots , but While Esb is one of my favorite Star Wars Movies , Rotj is my Favorite of The Original Ttrilogy and The Phantom Menace is my favorite for The Prequels 
            Anaway , I cant take Dark Tones now days , To much negitivity irl 


Anyone else feeling unready for next Wednesday’s two parter of the bad batch?
          Cause based on what was tweeted… I’m sweating bullets man. 
          I’d honestly rather get burned by a Jedi cruiser engine like Crosshair, shot by cad freaking bane like hunter, fall to my “death” (wink) off a freaking ski lift like Tech, lose control of my own brain by a freaking chip in my skull like Wrecker, get kidnapped by the FREAKING LONG NECKS like Omega before I would EVER willingly watch the demise of any member just listed.
          Yet here I go, willingly getting up at four in the morning to watch it willingly. The actual freak is the ring with me bro 


@Fulcrum_101 I AM SO SCARED for tomorrow lol


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@ShyWriter20 same same @antisocial-mariposa waking up at three to see this shit the minute it comes out


@Fulcrum_101 I'm waiting till midnight, gonna go to bed sobbing 


Not me up at 4:30 am to see my girl Ventress again after a decade…


@Fulcrum_101 It's fine , Sabine i just accepted because it makes sense even if I don't like it ( I lobed The whole show regardless )  , but Omega ? I dunno ,like now days I prefer the original description of The Force from The Ot , but even then , Omega is already a badass without The Force  


@XXXHarleyIvyXXX my personal opinion, Sabine becoming a Jedi was out of pocket but it would make more sense to let omega have an overwhelming midichlorian count because they’ve been testing her blood for months to see if it had a positive transfer. All of those transfers working and going undetected either caused her to like overdose with midichlorians. But I also think if someone tested her like qui-Gon tested Anakin it would be cool if she had zero midichlorians and was just a complete blank slate. Sorry to dump all that, but lol


There’s feeling more comforting than sitting on your bed playing Star Wars battlefront two while I’m just Ken plays WHILE knowing you’ll be crying your eyes out this time Wednesday because Dave filoni has no chill when it comes to the bad batch 


@Icy-Writer im so sorry to hear that! If it helps I basically watch every show that isn’t on Disney plus or paramount on tik tok or YouTube so maybe you can find it there:
            But if you can’t, my new book will be delving into bad batch episodes (eventually) it’s called traitors to the heart.


@Fulcrum_101 literally so sad my dad canceled Disney plus, i was so hyped and i cant remain uninformed <:C (my dad was sad about it to lol)
            also, your books are so good!


@Fulcrum_101 I never read Dark Disciple but hopefully this wont be a retcon 
            I love both but I gotta give it to 2005 Battlefront 2 


Also side note, anyone else see bad batch Season three yet? 
          Spoilers ⬇️
          Anybody else think that trooper in black armor is tech? Because I totally think it’s Tech (I’m delulu) but still.
          Also I love Crosshair and Omega’s dynamic already, I never knew there could be so much sass in one episode!
          Anyone else have thoughts!


@Fulcrum_101 I don't wanna talk about it-
            nopety nope nope nope nope nO-


@antisocial-mariposa you’re probably right and that genuinely terrifies me because where was the bad batch in rebels… where were they
            And @Ahsoka-Ashla-Tano I’m still holding hope even though the only evidence I have is their body shape and my hope.


@Fulcrum_101 I don't think it's Tech :( My delusions have faded. I think he's dead. ToT


Hey everyone, yes um still alive and kicking.
          I took a LONG break because I started to get overwhelmed working on multiple projects in several different franchises at once. 
          BUT. I am so, SO happy to report that I am officially back and writing again. I’m ready to take on all my stories again and bring you back hilarious entertainment. Thanks to all of you who supported me, especially my internet bestie who I haven’t forgotten even though it’s been forever since we’ve talked. Thank you to everybody else whose ever clicked on my stories, I’m so excited!


@Fulcrum_101 it's okay bestie :3 we're happy that you took time for yourself, and found the means to write again and enjoy it :D can't wait to see what you cook up <3 


Hey. Is there a sequel to Dying With the Past?


@Fulcrum_101 good luck and inspiration. So me as me, I’m going to 10th grade


@Fulcrum_101 if you can. Pleas read my early post. I’m interesting that you fink.


Lol nope! Still alive and well working on three projects at once ;)